* @author Bastian Onken
* @copyright 2010 Bastian Onken * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt PHP License 3.01 * @version SVN: $Id: TagCloud.php 295253 2010-02-19 11:50:01Z bastianonken $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_TagCloud * @since File available since Release 0.1.0 */ // {{{ class HTML_TagCloud /** * HTML Tag Cloud * * HTML_TagCloud enables you to generate a "tag cloud" in HTML. * * @category HTML * @package HTML_TagCloud * @author Shoma Suzuki
* @author Bastian Onken
* @copyright 2010 Bastian Onken * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt PHP License 3.01 * @version Release: 1.0.0 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_TagCloud * @link http://search.cpan.org/~lyokato/HTML-TagCloud-Extended-0.10/lib/HTML/TagCloud/Extended.pm * @since Class available since Release 0.1.0 */ class HTML_TagCloud { // {{{ properties /** * Defines the base font size * * @var int */ protected $baseFontSize = 24; /** * Limits the range of generated font-sizes * * @var int */ protected $fontSizeRange = 12; /** * Name of CSS class the TagCloud will get (assigned to the div the cloud * will get wrapped into) * * @var string */ protected $cssClass = 'tagcloud'; /** * Stores the font-size unit, potentional values are: mm,cm,in,pt,pc,px,em * * @var string */ protected $sizeSuffix = 'px'; /** * Stores the separator string which will be put between the tags * * @var string */ protected $tagSeparator = " \n"; /** * Stores the number of color thresholds * * @var int */ protected $thresholds = 4; /** * Defines colors of the different levels to that tags will be assigned to * (based on tag's age) * * @var array */ protected $epocLevel = array( array( 'earliest' => array( 'link' => 'cccccc', 'visited' => 'cccccc', 'hover' => 'cccccc', 'active' => 'cccccc', ), ), array( 'earlier' => array( 'link' => '9999cc', 'visited' => '9999cc', 'hover' => '9999cc', 'active' => '9999cc', ), ), array( 'later' => array( 'link' => '9999ff', 'visited' => '9999ff', 'hover' => '9999ff', 'active' => '9999ff', ), ), array( 'latest' => array( 'link' => '0000ff', 'visited' => '0000ff', 'hover' => '0000ff', 'active' => '0000ff', ), ), ); /** * Stores the TagCloud elements * * @var array */ private $_elements = array(); /** * @var int */ private $_max = 0; /** * @var int */ private $_min = 0; /** * @var int */ private $_maxEpoc; /** * @var int */ private $_minEpoc; /** * @var float */ private $_factor = 1; /** * @var float */ private $_epocFactor = 1; /** * @var int */ private $_minFontSize; /** * @var int */ private $_maxFontSize; /** * Stores an unique TagCloud-ID, necessary for multiple TagClouds on one * HTML page * * @var string */ private $_uid; // }}} // {{{ public function __construct() /** * Class constructor * * @param int $baseFontSize base font size of output tag (optional) * @param int $fontSizeRange font size range (optional) * @param string $latestColor color of latest tag, usually dark (optional) * @param string $earliestColor color of earliest tag, usually light * (optional) * @param int $thresholds number of timelines to set up (optional) * @param string $sizeSuffix CSS font size unit (optional) * @param string $tagSeparator separator printed between tags (optional) * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ public function __construct($baseFontSize = null, $fontSizeRange = null, $latestColor = null, $earliestColor = null, $thresholds = null, $sizeSuffix = null, $tagSeparator = null ) { // to be able to set up multiple tag clouds in one page we need to set // up a unique id that will prefix the css names later $this->_uid = 'tagcloud'.uniqid(); // if $baseFontSize was given, set to value, otherwise keep the original // value of HTML_TagCloud::baseFontSize if ($baseFontSize !== null) { $this->baseFontSize = $baseFontSize; } // if $fontSizeRange was given, set to value, otherwise keep the // original value of HTML_TagCloud::fontSizeRange if ($fontSizeRange !== null) { $this->fontSizeRange = $fontSizeRange; } // make sure that we are in a positive font range if ($this->baseFontSize - $this->fontSizeRange > 0) { $this->_minFontSize = $this->baseFontSize - $this->fontSizeRange; } else { $this->_minFontSize = 0; } $this->_maxFontSize = $this->baseFontSize + $this->fontSizeRange; // override default sizeSuffix value if ($sizeSuffix !== null) { $this->sizeSuffix = $sizeSuffix; } // override default threshold setting if ($thresholds !== null) { $this->thresholds = $thresholds; } // override default epocLevel settings if ($latestColor !== null && $earliestColor !== null && $this->thresholds > 0 ) { $this->epocLevel = $this->_generateEpocLevel( $latestColor, $earliestColor, $this->thresholds ); } // override default tagSeparator setting if ($tagSeparator !== null) { $this->tagSeparator = $tagSeparator; } } // }}} // {{{ public function getUid() /** * returns the unique id of the tag cloud * * @return string unique id * * @since Method available since Release 0.2.0 */ public function getUid() { return $this->_uid; } // }}} // {{{ public function getElementCount() /** * returns the number of elements in the tag cloud * * @return integer number of elements in the tag cloud * * @since Method available since Release 0.2.2 */ public function getElementCount() { return count($this->_elements); } // }}} // {{{ public function addElement() /** * add a Tag Element to build Tag Cloud * * @param string $name tagname * @param string $url URL to which the tag leads to * @param int $count number of occurrences of this tag * @param int $timestamp unixtimestamp * * @return void * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ public function addElement($name, $url = '', $count = 0, $timestamp = null) { $i = count($this->_elements); $this->_elements[$i]['name'] = $name; $this->_elements[$i]['url'] = $url; $this->_elements[$i]['count'] = $count; $this->_elements[$i]['timestamp'] = $timestamp == null ? time() : $timestamp; } // }}} // {{{ public function addElements() /** * add a Tag Element to build Tag Cloud * * @param array $tags Associative array to $this->_elements * * @return void * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ public function addElements($tags) { $this->_elements = array_merge($this->_elements, $tags); } // }}} // {{{ public function clearElements() /** * clear Tag Elements * * @return void * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ public function clearElements() { $this->_elements = array(); } // }}} // {{{ public function buildAll() /** * build HTML and CSS at once. * * @param array $param parameters that influence the HTML output * * @return string HTML and CSS * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ public function buildAll($param = array()) { $html = ''."\n"; $html .= $this->buildHTML($param); return $html; } // }}} // {{{ public function html_and_css() /** * Alias to buildAll. Compatibilities for Perl Module. * * @param array $param 'limit' => int limit of generation tag num. * * @return string HTML and CSS * * @see HTML_TagCloud::buildAll * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 * @deprecated Method deprecated in Release 0.1.3 * @legacy */ public function html_and_css($param = array()) { return $this->buildAll($param); } // }}} // {{{ public function buildHTML() /** * build HTML part * * @param array $param 'limit' => int limit of generation tag num. * * @return string HTML * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ public function buildHTML($param = array()) { $htmltags = $this->_buidHTMLTags($param); return $this->_wrapDiv($htmltags); } // }}} // {{{ public function buildCSS() /** * build CSS part * * @return string base CSS * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ public function buildCSS() { $css = ''; foreach ($this->epocLevel as $item) { foreach ($item as $epocName => $colors) { foreach ($colors as $attr => $color) { $css .= 'a.'.$this->_uid.'_'.$epocName.':'.$attr.' {' .'text-decoration: none; color: #'.$color.';}'."\n"; } } } return $css; } // }}} // {{{ private function _buidHTMLTags() /** * calc Tag level and create whole HTML of each Tags * * @param array $param limit of Tag Number * * @return string HTML * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ private function _buidHTMLTags($param) { // get total number of tags $total = count($this->_elements); if ($total == 0) { // no tag elements, return with "not enough data" return '
not enough data
'; } elseif ($total == 1) { // only 1 element was set, no need to process sizes or colors, so // just create html with standard setup and return $tag = $this->_elements[0]; $type = $this->_uid.'_' .key($this->epocLevel[count($this->epocLevel) - 1]); return $this->createHTMLTag($tag, $type, $this->baseFontSize); } // okay, there are more elements, let's calculate their environment // at first, check if there is a limit of returned elements set up $limit = array_key_exists('limit', $param) ? $param['limit'] : 0; // sort elements, consider limit if available ("0" will disable limit) $this->_sortTags($limit); // get maximum and minimum count values // (values will be stored in $this->_min and $this->_max $this->_calcMumCount(); // get maximum and minimum timestamp values // (values will be stored in $this->_minEpoc and $this->_maxEpoc $this->_calcMumEpoc(); // get font size delta $range = $this->_maxFontSize - $this->_minFontSize; // calculate the factor for building the font size deltas if ($this->_max != $this->_min) { $this->_factor = $range / (sqrt($this->_max) - sqrt($this->_min)); } else { $this->_factor = 1; } // calculate the factor for building the color deltas if ($this->_maxEpoc != $this->_minEpoc) { $this->_epocFactor = count($this->epocLevel) / (sqrt($this->_maxEpoc) - sqrt($this->_minEpoc)); } else { $this->_epocFactor = 1; } // build html $rtn = array(); foreach ($this->_elements as $tag) { $count = isset($tag['count']) ? $tag['count'] : 0; $countLv = $this->_getCountLevel($count); if (!isset($tag['timestamp']) || empty($tag['timestamp'])) { $epocLv = count($this->epocLevel) - 1; } else { $epocLv = $this->_getEpocLevel($tag['timestamp']); } $colorType = $this->epocLevel[$epocLv]; $type = $this->_uid.'_'.key($colorType); $fontSize = $this->_minFontSize + $countLv; $rtn[] = $this->createHTMLTag($tag, $type, $fontSize); } return implode($this->tagSeparator, $rtn); } // }}} // {{{ protected function _createHTMLTag() /** * create a Element of HTML part * * deprecated due to wrong function naming: one leading underscore must only * be used in private context. * * @param array $tag tagname * @param string $type css class of time line param * @param float $fontSize size of the font for this tag * * @return string a Element of Tag HTML * * @see HTML_TagCloud::createHTMLTag() * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 * @deprecated Method deprecated in Release 0.1.3 * @legacy */ protected function _createHTMLTag($tag, $type, $fontSize) { return $this->createHTMLTag($tag, $type, $fontSize); } // }}} // {{{ protected function createHTMLTag() /** * create a Element of HTML part * * @param array $tag tagname * @param string $type css class of time line param * @param float $fontSize size of the font for this tag * * @return string a Element of Tag HTML * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.3 */ protected function createHTMLTag($tag, $type, $fontSize) { return '
' .htmlspecialchars($tag['name']) .'
'; } // }}} // {{{ protected function generateEpocLevel() /** * build the epocLevel Array automatically by calculating an array of colors * * @param string $latestColor color of latest epocLevel (usually dark) * @param string $earliestColor color of earliest epocLevel (usually light) * @param int $thresholds number of levels to generate colors for * * @return array epocLevel * * @since Method available since Release 0.2.0 */ private function _generateEpocLevel($latestColor, $earliestColor, $thresholds) { include_once 'Image/Color.php'; $imageColor = new Image_Color(); $imageColor->setWebSafe(false); $imageColor->setColors($latestColor, $earliestColor); $epocLevel = array(); foreach ($imageColor->getRange($thresholds) as $key => $color) { $epocLevel[]['epocLevel'.$key] = array( 'link' => $color, 'visited' => $color ); } return array_reverse($epocLevel); } // }}} // {{{ private function _sortTags() /** * sort tags by name * * @param int $limit limit element number of create TagCloud * * @return array * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ private function _sortTags($limit = 0) { if ($limit != 0) { usort($this->_elements, array($this, "_cmpElementsCountTimestamp")); $this->_elements = array_splice($this->_elements, 0, $limit); usort($this->_elements, array($this, "_cmpElementsName")); } else { usort($this->_elements, array($this, "_cmpElementsName")); } } // }}} // {{{ private function _cmpElementsName() /** * callback for usort(), considers string value "name" of a tag element * * @param array $a first element to compare * @param array $b second element to compare * * @return int (bool) * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ private function _cmpElementsName($a, $b) { if ($a['name'] == $b['name']) { return 0; } return ($a['name'] < $b['name']) ? -1 : 1; } // }}} // {{{ private function _cmpElementsCountTimestamp($a, $b) /** * callback for usort(), considers count and if count values are equal it * considers timestamp as well. * * @param array $a first element to compare * @param array $b second element to compare * * @return int (bool) * * @since Method available since Release 0.2.1 */ private function _cmpElementsCountTimestamp($a, $b) { if ($a['count'] == $b['count']) { if ($a['timestamp'] == $b['timestamp']) { return 0; } else { return ($a['timestamp'] > $b['timestamp']) ? -1 : 1; } } return ($a['count'] > $b['count']) ? -1 : 1; } // }}} // {{{ private function _calcMumCount() /** * calc max and min tag count values * * @return void * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ private function _calcMumCount() { $array = array(); foreach ($this->_elements as $item) { if (isset($item['count'])) { $array[] = (int)$item['count']; } else { $array[] = 0; } } $this->_min = min($array); $this->_max = max($array); } // }}} // {{{ private function _calcMumEpoc() /** * calc max and min timestamp * * @return void * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ private function _calcMumEpoc() { $array = array(); foreach ($this->_elements as $item) { if (isset($item['timestamp'])) { $array[] = (int)$item['timestamp']; } else { $array[] = time(); } } $this->_minEpoc = min($array); $this->_maxEpoc = max($array); } // }}} // {{{ private function _getCountLevel() /** * calc Tag Level of size * * @param int $count number of occurrences of tag to analyze * * @return int level * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ private function _getCountLevel($count = 0) { return (int)(sqrt($count) - sqrt($this->_min) ) * $this->_factor; } // }}} // {{{ private function _getEpocLevel() /** * calc timeline level of Tag * * @param int $timestamp timestamp of tag to analyze * * @return int level of timeline * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ private function _getEpocLevel($timestamp = 0) { return (int)(sqrt($timestamp) - sqrt($this->_minEpoc)) * $this->_epocFactor; } // }}} // {{{ private function _wrapDiv() /** * wrap div tag * * @param string $html HTML to wrap into a div element * * @return string HTML wrapped into a div set up with $this::cssClass * * @since Method available since Release 0.1.0 */ private function _wrapDiv($html) { return $html == '' ? '' : '
' ."\n".$html."\n
\n"; } // }}} } // }}} /* * vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 * vim600: foldmethod=marker * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: */