/** * JavaScript functions to handle behaviors of an AFLAX upload progress meter * * @category HTML * @package HTML_Progress2 * @author Laurent Laville
* @copyright 2007-2008 Laurent Laville * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version CVS: $Id: HTML_Progress2_AFLAX.js,v 1.3 2008-03-16 09:30:58 farell Exp $ * @since File available since Release 2.3.0a3 */ var HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_fileRef; var HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_allTypes; var HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_fileTypes = new Array(); var HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_eventCallback = new Array(); function HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_setupBrowse() { HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_allTypes = new AFLAX.FlashObject(aflax, "Array"); for (var e = 0, length = HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_fileTypes.length; e < length; e++) { var fileTypes = new AFLAX.FlashObject(aflax, "Object"); fileTypes.exposeProperty("description", fileTypes); fileTypes.exposeProperty("extension", fileTypes); fileTypes.setDescription(HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_fileTypes[e][0]); fileTypes.setExtension(HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_fileTypes[e][1]); HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_allTypes.callFunction("push", fileTypes); } HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_fileRef = new AFLAX.FlashObject(aflax, "flash.net.FileReference"); var event = new Array('onSelect', 'onProgress', 'onComplete', 'onHTTPError', 'onSecurityError', 'onIOError'); for (var e = 0, length = event.length; e < length; e++) { if (HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_eventCallback != '') { aflax.attachEventListener(HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_fileRef, event[e], HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_eventCallback[e]); } } HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_disableButtons(false, true, true); } function HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_disableButtons(btn1Status, btn2Status, btn3Status) { var btn1 = window.document.getElementById("plblbtn1" + HTML_Progress2.widgetId); if (btn1) { btn1.disabled = btn1Status; } var btn2 = window.document.getElementById("plblbtn2" + HTML_Progress2.widgetId); if (btn2) { btn2.disabled = btn2Status; } var btn3 = window.document.getElementById("plblbtn3" + HTML_Progress2.widgetId); if (btn3) { btn3.disabled = btn3Status; } } // Action when user click on Browse button of the progress meter function HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_selectFile() { HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_fileRef.callFunction("browse", HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_allTypes); } // Action when user click on Upload button of the progress meter function HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_beginUpload() { HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_fileRef.callFunction("upload", HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_uri); HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_disableButtons(true, true, false); } // Action when user click on Cancel button of the progress meter function HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_cancelUpload() { HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_fileRef.callFunction("cancel"); HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_disableButtons(false, true, true); } // Event callback // onSelect : Invoked when the user selects a file to upload from the file-browsing dialog box. function HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_Select(data) { if (document.getElementById('plblaflaxstatus' + HTML_Progress2.widgetId) != null) { var parts = data.split(/;/); var fileSize = parts[5].split(/=/)[1]; if (fileSize > (1024 * 1024)) { fileSize = Math.round(fileSize/(1024*1024)) + "MB"; } else { fileSize = Math.round(fileSize/1024) + " KB"; } var fileName = parts[7].split(/=/)[1]; HTML_Progress2.setLabelText(HTML_Progress2.widgetId, 'aflaxstatus', "Ready to upload : " + fileName + " (" + fileSize + ")"); } HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_disableButtons(false, false, true); } // onProgress event : Invoked periodically during the file upload operation. function HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_Progress(data) { var parts = data.split("!!"); var loaded = parseInt((parts[1].split(":"))[1]); var total = parseInt((parts[2].split(":"))[1]); var percentage = Math.round((loaded/total * 100 )); var cell = ((percentage - HTML_Progress2.minimum) * HTML_Progress2.cellCount) / (HTML_Progress2.maximum - HTML_Progress2.minimum); cell = Math.floor(cell); HTML_Progress2.refresh(HTML_Progress2.widgetId, cell, 0); HTML_Progress2.setLabelText(HTML_Progress2.widgetId, HTML_Progress2.widgetPercentLabel, percentage + '%'); if (percentage == 100) { if (document.getElementById('plblaflaxstatus' + HTML_Progress2.widgetId) != null) { HTML_Progress2.setLabelText(HTML_Progress2.widgetId, 'aflaxstatus', "Upload completed"); } } } // onComplete event : Invoked when the upload operation has successfully completed. function HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_Complete(data) { if (document.getElementById('plblaflaxstatus' + HTML_Progress2.widgetId) != null) { HTML_Progress2.setLabelText(HTML_Progress2.widgetId, 'aflaxstatus', "Document available"); } HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_disableButtons(false, true, true); } // onHTTPError event : Invoked when an upload fails because of an HTTP error if (typeof(HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_HTTPError) != 'function') { HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_HTTPError = function(data) {alert('HTTPError: ' + data);}; } // onSecurityError event : Invoked when an upload fails because of a security error. if (typeof(HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_SecurityError) != 'function') { HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_SecurityError = function(data) {alert('SecurityError: ' + data);}; } // onIOError event : Invoked when an input/output error occurs. if (typeof(HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_IOError) != 'function') { HTML_Progress2_AFLAX_IOError = function(data) {alert('IOError: ' + data);}; }