--TEST-- PEAR_Info using custom configuration --FILE-- set('php_dir', $peardir); $config->writeConfigFile($conf_file); // also writes custom pear system config files $config->writeConfigFile($custom_file1); $config->writeConfigFile($custom_file2); } /** * TestCase 1: * class constructor with only $pear_dir parameter * * Will try to detect if default user config files (pear.ini | .pearrc), * and/or default system config files (pearsys.ini | pear.conf) are available * into $peardir directory. */ $testCase = 'testConfigFilesExistWithDefaultNameInPearDir'; $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'] = null; $pear_dir = $peardir; // try to load PEAR system config ($conf_file) from system dir $pearInfo = new PEAR_Info($pear_dir); $result = (!is_null($pearInfo->reg)) ? 'OK' : 'System PEAR configuration files does not exist'; echo $testCase . ' : ' . $result; echo "\n"; /** * TestCase 2: * class constructor with 3 parameters ($pear_dir, $user_file, and $system_file) * * Will try to detect if user config files and/or system config files * are available into $peardir directory. */ $testCase = 'testConfigFilesExistWithCustomNameInPearDir'; $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'] = null; $pear_dir = $peardir; $user_file = ''; $system_file = $custom_file1; // try to load PEAR system config ($custom_file1) from pear dir $pearInfo = new PEAR_Info($pear_dir, $user_file, $system_file); $result = (!is_null($pearInfo->reg)) ? 'OK' : 'User PEAR configuration files does not exist'; echo $testCase . ' : ' . $result; echo "\n"; /** * TestCase 3: * class constructor with parameters ($user_file, and $system_file) * * Will try to detect if user config files and/or system config files * are available into user directory. */ $testCase = 'testConfigFilesExistInUserDir'; $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'] = null; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $user_file = $userdir . $ds . 'name2.pear.ini'; $system_file = $userdir . $ds . 'name2.pearsys.ini'; } else { $user_file = $userdir . $ds . 'name2.pearrc'; $system_file = $userdir . $ds . 'name2.pear.conf'; } $pear_dir = ''; // try to load PEAR system config ($system_file) from user dir, // because user config ($user_file) does not exists (volontary) $pearInfo = new PEAR_Info($pear_dir, $user_file, $system_file); $result = (!is_null($pearInfo->reg)) ? 'OK' : 'User PEAR configuration files does not exist'; echo $testCase . ' : ' . $result; echo "\n"; /** * TestCase 4: * class constructor with only $pear_dir parameter * * No user or system file exists into pear directory. * Will display error to prevent unexpected behavior. */ $testCase = 'testNoConfigFilesFoundIntoPearDir'; $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'] = null; $pear_dir = $dir . $ds . 'pear2_dir'; $pearInfo = new PEAR_Info($pear_dir); $result = (is_null($pearInfo->reg)) ? 'OK' : 'User PEAR configuration files does not exist'; echo $testCase . ' : ' . $result; echo "\n"; /** * TestCase 5: * class constructor with only $user_file and $system_file parameters * * No such (name3) user or system file exists into user directory. * Will display an error to prevent unexpected behavior. */ $testCase = 'testNoConfigFilesFoundIntoUserDir'; $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'] = null; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $user_file = $userdir . $ds . 'name3.pear.ini'; $system_file = $userdir . $ds . 'name3.pearsys.ini'; } else { $user_file = $userdir . $ds . 'name3.pearrc'; $system_file = $userdir . $ds . 'name3.pear.conf'; } $pear_dir = ''; $pearInfo = new PEAR_Info($pear_dir, $user_file, $system_file); $result = (is_null($pearInfo->reg)) ? 'OK' : strip_tags($pearInfo->info); echo $testCase . ' : ' . $result; echo "\n"; /** * TestCase 6: * class constructor with only $options parameter */ $testCase = 'testShowResultsWithRenderOptions'; $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'] = null; $pear_dir = $peardir; $user_file = ''; $system_file = ''; $options = array( 'resume' => PEAR_INFO_FULLPAGE | PEAR_INFO_GENERAL | PEAR_INFO_CHANNELS | PEAR_INFO_PACKAGES_VERSION | PEAR_INFO_CREDITS_PACKAGES, 'channels' => array() ); // try to load PEAR system config from pear dir $pearInfo = new PEAR_Info($pear_dir, $user_file, $system_file, $options); $result = (!is_null($pearInfo->reg)) ? 'OK' : 'KO'; echo $testCase . ' : ' . $result; echo "\n"; /** * TestCase 7: * class constructor with invalid $peardir parameter */ $testCase = 'testInvalidPearDir'; $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'] = null; $pear_dir = $dir . $ds . 'invalid_pear_dir'; $pearInfo = new PEAR_Info($pear_dir); $result = (is_null($pearInfo->reg)) ? 'OK' : 'Valid PEAR directory found'; echo $testCase . ' : ' . $result; ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECT-- testConfigFilesExistWithDefaultNameInPearDir : OK testConfigFilesExistWithCustomNameInPearDir : OK testConfigFilesExistInUserDir : OK testNoConfigFilesFoundIntoPearDir : OK testNoConfigFilesFoundIntoUserDir : OK testShowResultsWithRenderOptions : OK testInvalidPearDir : OK