#!/usr/bin/php -q * @copyright 2008 Kevin van Zonneveld * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD Licence * @link http://github.com/kvz/system_daemon */ /** * System_Daemon Example Code * * If you run this code successfully, a daemon will be spawned * and stopped directly. You should find a log enty in * /var/log/pearlog.log * */ // Make it possible to test in source directory // This is for PEAR developers only ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path').':..'); // Include Class error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once "System/Daemon.php"; // Initialize PEAR_Log instance $my_log_instance = &Log::factory('file', '/tmp/pearlog.log', 'pearlog'); // Bare minimum setup System_Daemon::setOption("appName", "pearlog"); System_Daemon::setOption("appDir", dirname(__FILE__)); System_Daemon::setOption("usePEARLogInstance", $my_log_instance); System_Daemon::log(System_Daemon::LOG_INFO, "Daemon not yet started. ". "Every logline will end up in whatever usePEARLogInstance->log() says"); // Spawn Deamon! System_Daemon::start(); System_Daemon::log(System_Daemon::LOG_INFO, "Daemon started. ". "Every logline will end up in whatever usePEARLogInstance->log() says"); // Your normal PHP code goes here. Only the code will run in the background // so you can close your terminal session, and the application will // still run. System_Daemon::stop();