* @author Bertrand Mansion
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD * @version SVN: Release: 2.7.0 * @link http://growl.laurent-laville.org/ * @since File available since Release 2.0.0b2 */ require_once 'Net/Growl/Autoload.php'; /** * Callback function when notification response is returned * * @param string $result Notification-Callback-Result: header, result * [CLICKED|CLOSED|TIMEDOUT] | [CLICK|CLOSE|TIMEOUT] * @param string $context Notification-Callback-Context: header, result * from the original request * @param string $type Notification-Callback-Context-Type: header, result * from the original request * @param string $timestamp Notification-Callback-Timestamp: header, result * The date and time the callback occurred * * @return void */ function cbNotify($result, $context, $type, $timestamp) { printf( "Notification Callback Result => %s: %s (%s) at %s \n\n", $result, $context, $type, $timestamp ); } // Notification Type definitions define('GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS', 'STATUS'); define('GROWL_NOTIFY_PHPERROR', 'PHPERROR'); // define a PHP application that sends notifications to Growl $appName = 'PEAR/Net_Growl ' . basename(__FILE__, '.php'); $notifications = array( GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS => array( 'display' => 'Status', ), GROWL_NOTIFY_PHPERROR => array( 'icon' => 'http://www.laurent-laville.org/growl/images/firephp.png', 'display' => 'Error-Log' ) ); $password = ''; $options = array( 'protocol' => 'gntp', 'AppIcon' => 'http://www.laurent-laville.org/growl/images/Help.png', 'debug' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.log' ); try { $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($appName, $notifications, $password, $options); $growl->register(); $name = GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS; $title = 'Congratulation'; $description = 'You have successfully installed PEAR/Net_Growl.'; $options = array( 'ID' => 123456, 'CallbackContext' => 'this is my context', 'CallbackContextType' => 'STRING', 'CallbackFunction' => 'cbNotify' ); $growl->publish($name, $title, $description, $options); $name = GROWL_NOTIFY_PHPERROR; $title = 'New Error'; $description = 'You have a new PHP error in your script.'; $options = array( 'priority' => Net_Growl::PRIORITY_HIGH, ); $growl->publish($name, $title, $description, $options); $name = GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS; $title = 'Welcome'; $description = "Welcome in PHP/GNTP world ! \n" . "New GNTP protocol add icon support."; $options = array( 'icon' => 'http://www.laurent-laville.org/growl/images/unknown.png', 'sticky' => false, ); $growl->publish($name, $title, $description, $options); } catch (Net_Growl_Exception $e) { echo 'Caught Growl exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; }