* @version CVS: $Id$ * @ignore */ /** * Template class */ require_once 'HTML/Template/Sigma.php'; function toggle($item1, $item2) { static $i = 1; return $i++ % 2? $item1: $item2; } // remember, this is an example only. there are lots of more advanced i18n solutions to use! :] function translate($str) { global $lang, $aryI18n; return isset($aryI18n[$lang][$str])? $aryI18n[$lang][$str]: $str; } function letters($str) { return preg_replace('/[^\\w\\s]/', '', $str); } $ary = array( array('code' => 'SIGMA_OK', 'message' => ' ', 'reason' => 'Everything went OK', 'solution' => ' '), array('code' => 'SIGMA_BLOCK_NOT_FOUND', 'message' => 'Cannot find block
', 'reason' => 'Tried to access block that does not exist', 'solution' => 'Either add the block or fix the block name'), array('code' => 'SIGMA_BLOCK_DUPLICATE', 'message' => 'The name of a block must be unique within a template. Block
found twice.', 'reason' => 'Tried to load a template with several blocks sharing the same name', 'solution' => 'Get rid of one of the blocks or rename it'), array('code' => 'SIGMA_INVALID_CALLBACK', 'message' => 'Callback does not exist', 'reason' => 'A callback function you wanted to use does not exist', 'solution' => 'Pass a name of an existing function to setCallbackfunction()') ); // I speak neither German, nor French. The strings are from phpBB translations (http://www.phpbb.com/) $aryI18n = array( 'de' => array( 'Send private message' => 'Private Nachricht senden', 'Username' => 'Benutzername', 'Find all posts by {username}' => 'Alle Beitrge von {username} anzeigen' ), 'fr' => array( 'Send private message' => 'Envoyer un message priv', 'Username' => 'Nom d\'utilisateur', 'Find all posts by {username}' => 'Trouver tous les messages de {username}' ) ); $langsAry = array('de' => 'German', 'fr' => 'French'); // instantiate the template object, templates will be loaded from the // 'templates' directory, no caching will take place $tpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma('./templates'); // No errors are expected to happen here $tpl->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_DIE); // default behaviour is to remove unknown variables and empty blocks // from the template $tpl->loadTemplateFile('example_4.html'); // 1. Using callbacks for minor presentation changes $tpl->setCallbackFunction('bgcolor', 'toggle'); foreach ($ary as $item) { $tpl->setVariable($item); $tpl->parse('table_row'); } // 2. Using callbacks for i18n // We don't set a callback function, thus the function call will be replaced // by function's first argument (better than to throw an error, I think) $tpl->setVariable(array( 'language' => 'English (default)', 'username' => 'Luser' )); $tpl->parse('i18n_block'); // Now we set a callback function. Please note the third argument, we // want to process the strings with no variable substitutions done, they // should be done *after* the translation. $tpl->setCallbackFunction('translate', 'translate', true); foreach (array_keys($aryI18n) as $lang) { $tpl->setVariable(array( 'language' => $langsAry[$lang], 'username' => 'Luser' )); $tpl->parse('i18n_block'); } // 3. Shorthand for callbacks, built-in callbacks // We add a variable that cannot be safely displayed either in HTML, // in URLs or inside JavaScript string constants without appropriate encoding $tpl->setVariable('escaped', '"Foo & Bar"'); $tpl->setCallbackFunction('letters', 'letters'); // output the results $tpl->show(); ?>