* @copyright 2004-2008 Lorenzo Alberton * @license http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license BSD License (3 Clause) * @version CVS: $Id: Translation2.php 268999 2008-11-14 16:18:50Z quipo $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Translation2 */ /** * require PEAR base class */ require_once 'PEAR.php'; /** * Allows redefinition of the default pageID. * This constant is needed to allow both NULL and EMPTY pageID values * and to have them match */ if (!defined('TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID')) { define('TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID', 'translation2_default_pageID'); } /** * Class Error codes */ define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR', -1); define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED', -2); define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR_CANNOT_CONNECT', -3); define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_FILE', -4); define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR_DOMAIN_NOT_SET', -5); define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR_INVALID_PATH', -6); define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_DIR', -7); define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE', -8); define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LANG', -9); define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR_ENCODING_CONVERSION', -10); define('TRANSLATION2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED', -11); /** * Translation2 base class * * This class provides an easy way to retrieve all the strings * for a multilingual site or application from a data source * (i.e. a db, an xml file or a gettext file). * * @category Internationalization * @package Translation2 * @author Lorenzo Alberton
* @copyright 2004-2008 Lorenzo Alberton * @license http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license BSD License (3 Clause) * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Translation2 */ class Translation2 { // {{{ class vars /** * Storage object * @var object * @access protected */ var $storage = ''; /** * Class options * @var array */ var $options = array(); /** * Default lang * @var array * @access protected */ var $lang = array(); /** * Current pageID * @var string * @access protected */ var $currentPageID = null; /** * Array of parameters for the adapter class * @var array * @access protected */ var $params = array(); // }}} // {{{ Constructor /** * Constructor */ function Translation2() { if (func_num_args()) { $msg = '
Translation2 error:
' .' Don\'t use the constructor - use factory()'; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } } // }}} // {{{ factory() /** * Return a Translation2 instance already initialized * * @param string $driver Type of the storage driver * @param mixed $options Additional options for the storage driver * (example: if you are using DB as the storage * driver, you have to pass the dsn string here) * @param array $params Array of parameters for the adapter class * (i.e. you can set here the mappings between your * table/field names and the ones used by this class) * * @return object Translation2 instance or PEAR_Error on failure * @static */ function & factory($driver, $options = '', $params = array()) { $tr = new Translation2; $tr->storage = Translation2::_storageFactory($driver, $options); if (PEAR::isError($tr->storage)) { return $tr->storage; } $tr->_setDefaultOptions(); $tr->_parseOptions($params); $tr->storage->_parseOptions($params); return $tr; } // }}} // {{{ _storageFactory() /** * Return a storage driver based on $driver and $options * * @param string $driver Type of storage class to return * @param string $options Optional parameters for the storage class * * @return object Object Storage object * @static * @access private */ function & _storageFactory($driver, $options = '') { $storage_path = 'Translation2/Container/'.strtolower($driver).'.php'; $storage_class = 'Translation2_Container_'.strtolower($driver); include_once $storage_path; $storage = new $storage_class; $err = $storage->init($options); if (PEAR::isError($err)) { return $err; } return $storage; } // }}} // {{{ setContainerOptions() /** * Set some storage driver options * * @param array $options array of options * * @return void * @access protected */ function setContainerOptions($options) { $this->storage->_parseOptions($options); } // }}} // {{{ _setDefaultOptions() /** * Set some default options * * @return void * @access private */ function _setDefaultOptions() { $this->options['ParameterPrefix'] = '&&'; $this->options['ParameterPostfix'] = '&&'; $this->options['ParameterAutoFree'] = true; $this->options['prefetch'] = true; } // }}} // {{{ _parseOptions() /** * Parse options passed to the base class * * @param array $array options * * @return void * @access private */ function _parseOptions($array) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (isset($this->options[$key])) { $this->options[$key] = $value; } } } // }}} // {{{ getDecorator() /** * Return an instance of a decorator * * This method is used to get a decorator instance. * A decorator can be seen as a filter, i.e. something that can change * or handle the values of the objects/vars that pass through. * * @param string $decorator Name of the decorator * * @return object Decorator object reference */ function & getDecorator($decorator) { $decorator_path = 'Translation2/Decorator/'.$decorator.'.php'; $decorator_class = 'Translation2_Decorator_'.$decorator; include_once $decorator_path; if (func_num_args() > 1) { $obj = func_get_arg(1); $new_decorator = new $decorator_class($obj); } else { $new_decorator = new $decorator_class($this); } return $new_decorator; } // }}} // {{{ setCharset() /** * Set charset used to read/store the translations * * @param string $charset character set (encoding) * * @return void|PEAR_Error */ function setCharset($charset) { $res = $this->storage->setCharset($charset); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } } // }}} // {{{ setLang() /** * Set default lang * * Set the language that shall be used when retrieving strings. * * @param string $langID language code (for instance, 'en' or 'it') * * @return true|PEAR_Error */ function setLang($langID) { $res = $this->storage->setLang($langID); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $this->lang = $res; return true; } // }}} // {{{ setPageID($pageID) /** * Set default page * * Set the page (aka "group of strings") that shall be used when retrieving strings. * If you set it, you don't have to state it in each get() call. * * @param string $pageID ID of the default page * * @return self */ function setPageID($pageID = null) { $this->currentPageID = $pageID; return $this; } // }}} // {{{ getLang() /** * get lang info * * Get some extra information about the language (its full name, * the localized error text, ...) * * @param string $langID language ID * @param string $format ['name', 'meta', 'error_text', 'array'] * * @return mixed [string | array], depending on $format */ function getLang($langID = null, $format = 'name') { if (is_null($langID)) { if (!isset($this->lang['id'])) { $msg = 'Translation2::getLang(): unknown language "'.$langID.'".' .' Use Translation2::setLang() to set a default language.'; return $this->storage->raiseError($msg, TRANSLATION2_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LANG); } $langID = $this->lang['id']; } $lang = $this->storage->getLangData($langID); if ($format == 'array') { return $lang; } elseif (isset($lang[$format])) { return $lang[$format]; } elseif (isset($lang['name'])) { return $lang['name']; } $msg = 'Translation2::getLang(): unknown language "'.$langID.'".' .' Use Translation2::setLang() to set a default language.'; return $this->storage->raiseError($msg, TRANSLATION2_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LANG); } // }}} // {{{ getLangs() /** * get langs * * Get some extra information about the languages (their full names, * the localized error text, their codes, ...) * * @param string $format ['ids', 'names', 'array'] * * @return array|PEAR_Error */ function getLangs($format = 'name') { return $this->storage->getLangs($format); } // }}} // {{{ setParams() /** * Set parameters for next string * * Set the replacement for the parameters in the string(s). * Parameter delimiters are customizable. * * @param array $params array of replacement parameters * * @return self */ function setParams($params = null) { if (empty($params)) { $this->params = array(); } elseif (is_array($params)) { $this->params = $params; } else { $this->params = array($params); } return $this; } // }}} // {{{ _replaceParams() /** * Replace parameters in strings * * @param mixed $strings strings where the replacements must occur * * @return mixed * @access protected */ function _replaceParams($strings) { if (empty($strings) || is_object($strings) || !count($this->params)) { return $strings; } if (is_array($strings)) { foreach ($strings as $key => $string) { $strings[$key] = $this->_replaceParams($string); } } else { if (strpos($strings, $this->options['ParameterPrefix']) !== false) { foreach ($this->params as $name => $value) { $strings = str_replace($this->options['ParameterPrefix'] . $name . $this->options['ParameterPostfix'], $value, $strings); } if ($this->options['ParameterAutoFree']) { $this->params = array(); } } } return $strings; } // }}} // {{{ replaceEmptyStringsWithKeys() /** * Replace empty strings with their stringID * * @param array $strings array of strings to be replaced if empty * * @return array * @static */ function replaceEmptyStringsWithKeys($strings) { if (!is_array($strings)) { return $strings; } foreach ($strings as $key => $string) { if (empty($string)) { $strings[$key] = $key; } } return $strings; } // }}} // {{{ getRaw() /** * Get translated string (as-is) * * @param string $stringID ID of the string to be translated * @param string $pageID ID of the page/group containing the string * @param string $langID ID of the language * @param string $defaultText Text to display when the string is empty * * @return string|PEAR_Error */ function getRaw($stringID, $pageID = TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID, $langID = null, $defaultText = '') { $pageID = ($pageID == TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID ? $this->currentPageID : $pageID); $str = $this->storage->getOne($stringID, $pageID, $langID); if (empty($str)) { $str = $defaultText; } return $str; } // }}} // {{{ get() /** * Get translated string * * First check if the string is cached, if not => fetch the page * from the container and cache it for later use. * If the string is empty, check the fallback language; if * the latter is empty too, then return the $defaultText. * * @param string $stringID ID of the string * @param string $pageID ID of the page/group containing the string * @param string $langID ID of the language * @param string $defaultText Text to display when the string is empty * NB: This parameter is only used in the DefaultText decorator * * @return string */ function get($stringID, $pageID = TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID, $langID = null, $defaultText = '') { $str = $this->getRaw($stringID, $pageID, $langID); if (PEAR::isError($str)) { return $str; } return $this->_replaceParams($str); } // }}} // {{{ getRawPage() /** * Get the array of strings in a page * * Fetch the page (aka "group of strings) from the container, * without applying any formatting and without replacing the parameters * * @param string $pageID ID of the page/group containing the string * @param string $langID ID of the language * * @return array */ function getRawPage($pageID = TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID, $langID = null) { $pageID = ($pageID == TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID ? $this->currentPageID : $pageID); return $this->storage->getPage($pageID, $langID); } // }}} // {{{ getPage() /** * Get an entire group of strings * * Same as getRawPage, but resort to fallback language and * replace parameters when needed * * @param string $pageID ID of the page/group containing the string * @param string $langID ID of the language * * @return array */ function getPage($pageID = TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID, $langID = null) { $pageData = $this->getRawPage($pageID, $langID); return $this->_replaceParams($pageData); } // }}} // {{{ getStringID() /** * Get the stringID for the given string. This method is the reverse of get(). * * @param string $string This is NOT the stringID, this is a real string. * The method will search for its matching stringID, and then * it will return the associate string in the selected language. * @param string $pageID ID of the page/group containing the string * * @return string */ function getStringID($string, $pageID = TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID) { $pageID = ($pageID == TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID ? $this->currentPageID : $pageID); return $this->storage->getStringID($string, $pageID); } // }}} // {{{ __clone() /** * Clone internal object references * * This method is called automatically by PHP5 * * @return void * @access protected */ function __clone() { $this->storage = clone($this->storage); } // }}} } ?>