* @copyright 2005 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version CVS: $Id$ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Image_Barcode */ require_once "Image/Barcode.php"; class Image_Barcode_code128 extends Image_Barcode { var $_type = 'code128'; var $_barcodeheight = 60; var $_font = 2; var $_barwidth = 1; var $code; /** * Draws a Code128 image barcode * * @param string $text A text that should be in the image barcode * @param string $imgtype The image type that will be generated * * @return image The corresponding interleaved 2 of 5 image barcode * * @access public * * @author Jeffrey K. Brown
* * @internal * The draw() method is broken into three sections. First, we take * the input string and convert it to a string of barcode widths. * Then, we size and allocate the image. Finally, we print the bars to * the image along with the barcode text and display it to the beholder. * */ function &draw($text, $imgtype = 'png') { // We start with the Code128 Start Code character. We // initialize checksum to 104, rather than calculate it. // We then add the startcode to $allbars, the main string // containing the bar sizes for the entire code. $startcode= $this->getStartCode(); $checksum = 104; $allbars = $startcode; // Next, we read the $text string that was passed to the // method and for each character, we determine the bar // pattern and add it to the end of the $allbars string. // In addition, we continually add the character's value // to the checksum $bars = ''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($text); ++$i) { $char = $text[$i]; $val = $this->getCharNumber($char); $checksum += ($val * ($i + 1)); $bars = $this->getCharCode($char); $allbars = $allbars . $bars; } // Then, Take the Mod 103 of the total to get the index // of the Code128 Check Character. We get its bar // pattern and add it to $allbars in the next section. $checkdigit = $checksum % 103; $bars = $this->getNumCode($checkdigit); // Finally, we get the Stop Code pattern and put the // remaining pieces together. We are left with the // string $allbars containing all of the bar widths // and can now think about writing it to the image. $stopcode = $this->getStopCode(); $allbars = $allbars . $bars . $stopcode; //------------------------------------------------------// // Next, we will calculate the width of the resulting // bar code and size the image accordingly. // 10 Pixel "Quiet Zone" in front, and 10 Pixel // "Quiet Zone" at the end. $barcodewidth = 20; // We will read each of the characters (1,2,3,or 4) in // the $allbars string and add its width to the running // total $barcodewidth. The height of the barcode is // calculated by taking the bar height plus the font height. for ($i=0; $i < strlen($allbars); ++$i) { $nval = $allbars[$i]; $barcodewidth += ($nval * $this->_barwidth); } $barcodelongheight = (int) (imagefontheight($this->_font) / 2) + $this->_barcodeheight; // Then, we create the image, allocate the colors, and fill // the image with a nice, white background, ready for printing // our black bars and the text. $img = ImageCreate($barcodewidth, $barcodelongheight+ imagefontheight($this->_font)+1); $black = ImageColorAllocate($img, 0, 0, 0); $white = ImageColorAllocate($img, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($img, 0, 0, $white); //------------------------------------------------------// // Finally, we write our text line centered across the // bottom and the bar patterns and display the image. // First, print the image, centered across the bottom. imagestring( $img, $this->_font, $barcodewidth / 2 - strlen($text) / 2 * (imagefontwidth($this->_font)), $this->_barcodeheight + imagefontheight($this->_font) / 2, $text, $black ); // We set $xpos to 10 so we start bar printing after // position 10 to simulate the 10 pixel "Quiet Zone" $xpos = 10; // We will now process each of the characters in the $allbars // array. The number in each position is read and then alternating // black bars and spaces are drawn with the corresponding width. $bar = 1; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($allbars); ++$i) { $nval = $allbars[$i]; $width = $nval * $this->_barwidth; if ($bar==1) { imagefilledrectangle($img, $xpos, 0, $xpos + $width-1, $barcodelongheight, $black); $xpos += $width; $bar = 0; } else { $xpos += $width; $bar = 1; } } return $img; } // function draw() /** * @internal * In the Image_Barcode_code128 constructor, we initialize * the $code array, containing the bar and space pattern * for the Code128 B character set. */ function Image_Barcode_code128() { $this->code[0] = "212222"; // " " $this->code[1] = "222122"; // "!" $this->code[2] = "222221"; // "{QUOTE}" $this->code[3] = "121223"; // "#" $this->code[4] = "121322"; // "$" $this->code[5] = "131222"; // "%" $this->code[6] = "122213"; // "&" $this->code[7] = "122312"; // "'" $this->code[8] = "132212"; // "(" $this->code[9] = "221213"; // ")" $this->code[10] = "221312"; // "*" $this->code[11] = "231212"; // "+" $this->code[12] = "112232"; // "," $this->code[13] = "122132"; // "-" $this->code[14] = "122231"; // "." $this->code[15] = "113222"; // "/" $this->code[16] = "123122"; // "0" $this->code[17] = "123221"; // "1" $this->code[18] = "223211"; // "2" $this->code[19] = "221132"; // "3" $this->code[20] = "221231"; // "4" $this->code[21] = "213212"; // "5" $this->code[22] = "223112"; // "6" $this->code[23] = "312131"; // "7" $this->code[24] = "311222"; // "8" $this->code[25] = "321122"; // "9" $this->code[26] = "321221"; // ":" $this->code[27] = "312212"; // ";" $this->code[28] = "322112"; // "<" $this->code[29] = "322211"; // "=" $this->code[30] = "212123"; // ">" $this->code[31] = "212321"; // "?" $this->code[32] = "232121"; // "@" $this->code[33] = "111323"; // "A" $this->code[34] = "131123"; // "B" $this->code[35] = "131321"; // "C" $this->code[36] = "112313"; // "D" $this->code[37] = "132113"; // "E" $this->code[38] = "132311"; // "F" $this->code[39] = "211313"; // "G" $this->code[40] = "231113"; // "H" $this->code[41] = "231311"; // "I" $this->code[42] = "112133"; // "J" $this->code[43] = "112331"; // "K" $this->code[44] = "132131"; // "L" $this->code[45] = "113123"; // "M" $this->code[46] = "113321"; // "N" $this->code[47] = "133121"; // "O" $this->code[48] = "313121"; // "P" $this->code[49] = "211331"; // "Q" $this->code[50] = "231131"; // "R" $this->code[51] = "213113"; // "S" $this->code[52] = "213311"; // "T" $this->code[53] = "213131"; // "U" $this->code[54] = "311123"; // "V" $this->code[55] = "311321"; // "W" $this->code[56] = "331121"; // "X" $this->code[57] = "312113"; // "Y" $this->code[58] = "312311"; // "Z" $this->code[59] = "332111"; // "[" $this->code[60] = "314111"; // "\" $this->code[61] = "221411"; // "]" $this->code[62] = "431111"; // "^" $this->code[63] = "111224"; // "_" $this->code[64] = "111422"; // "`" $this->code[65] = "121124"; // "a" $this->code[66] = "121421"; // "b" $this->code[67] = "141122"; // "c" $this->code[68] = "141221"; // "d" $this->code[69] = "112214"; // "e" $this->code[70] = "112412"; // "f" $this->code[71] = "122114"; // "g" $this->code[72] = "122411"; // "h" $this->code[73] = "142112"; // "i" $this->code[74] = "142211"; // "j" $this->code[75] = "241211"; // "k" $this->code[76] = "221114"; // "l" $this->code[77] = "413111"; // "m" $this->code[78] = "241112"; // "n" $this->code[79] = "134111"; // "o" $this->code[80] = "111242"; // "p" $this->code[81] = "121142"; // "q" $this->code[82] = "121241"; // "r" $this->code[83] = "114212"; // "s" $this->code[84] = "124112"; // "t" $this->code[85] = "124211"; // "u" $this->code[86] = "411212"; // "v" $this->code[87] = "421112"; // "w" $this->code[88] = "421211"; // "x" $this->code[89] = "212141"; // "y" $this->code[90] = "214121"; // "z" $this->code[91] = "412121"; // "{" $this->code[92] = "111143"; // "|" $this->code[93] = "111341"; // "}" $this->code[94] = "131141"; // "~" $this->code[95] = "114113"; // 95 $this->code[96] = "114311"; // 96 $this->code[97] = "411113"; // 97 $this->code[98] = "411311"; // 98 $this->code[99] = "113141"; // 99 $this->code[100] = "114131"; // 100 $this->code[101] = "311141"; // 101 $this->code[102] = "411131"; // 102 } /** * Return the Code128 code for a character */ function getCharCode($c) { $retval = $this->code[ord($c) - 32]; return $retval; } /** * Return the Start Code for Code128 */ function getStartCode() { return '211214'; } /** * Return the Stop Code for Code128 */ function getStopCode() { return '2331112'; } /** * Return the Code128 code equivalent of a character number */ function getNumCode($index) { $retval = $this->code[$index]; return $retval; } /** * Return the Code128 numerical equivalent of a character. */ function getCharNumber($c) { $retval = ord($c) - 32; return $retval; } } // class ?>