http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt // (c) 2001-2004 by Tomas Von Veschler Cox // // ********************************************** // // $Id: Upload.php,v 1.42 2004/08/08 09:37:50 wenz Exp $ /* * Pear File Uploader class. Easy and secure managment of files * submitted via HTML Forms. * * Leyend: * - you can add error msgs in your language in the HTTP_Upload_Error class * * TODO: * - try to think a way of having all the Error system in other * file and only include it when an error ocurrs * * -- Notes for users HTTP_Upload >= 0.9.0 -- * * Error detection was enhanced, so you no longer need to * check for PEAR::isError() in $upload->getFiles() or call * $upload->isMissing(). Instead you'll * get the error when do a check for $file->isError(). * * Example: * * $upload = new HTTP_Upload('en'); * $file = $upload->getFiles('i_dont_exist_in_form_definition'); * if ($file->isError()) { * die($file->getMessage()); * } * * -- * */ require_once 'PEAR.php'; /** * defines default chmod */ define('HTTP_UPLOAD_DEFAULT_CHMOD', 0660); /** * Error Class for HTTP_Upload * * @author Tomas V.V.Cox
* @see http://vulcanonet.com/soft/index.php?pack=uploader * @package HTTP_Upload * @category HTTP * @access public */ class HTTP_Upload_Error extends PEAR { /** * Selected language for error messages * @var string */ var $lang = 'en'; /** * Whether HTML entities shall be encoded automatically * @var boolean */ var $html = false; /** * Constructor * * Creates a new PEAR_Error * * @param string $lang The language selected for error code messages * @access public */ function HTTP_Upload_Error($lang = null, $html = false) { $this->lang = ($lang !== null) ? $lang : $this->lang; $this->html = ($html !== false) ? $html : $this->html; $ini_size = preg_replace('/m/i', '000000', ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); if (function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare(phpversion(), '4.1', 'ge')) { $maxsize = (isset($_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE'])) ? $_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE'] : null; } else { global $HTTP_POST_VARS; $maxsize = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['MAX_FILE_SIZE'])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['MAX_FILE_SIZE'] : null; } if (empty($maxsize) || ($maxsize > $ini_size)) { $maxsize = $ini_size; } // XXXXX Add here error messages in your language $this->error_codes = array( 'TOO_LARGE' => array( 'es' => "Fichero demasiado largo. El maximo permitido es: $maxsize bytes.", 'en' => "File size too large. The maximum permitted size is: $maxsize bytes.", 'de' => "Datei zu groß. Die zulässige Maximalgröße ist: $maxsize Bytes.", 'nl' => "Het bestand is te groot, de maximale grootte is: $maxsize bytes.", 'fr' => "Le fichier est trop gros. La taille maximum autorisée est: $maxsize bytes.", 'it' => "Il file é troppo grande. Il massimo permesso é: $maxsize bytes.", 'pt_BR' => "Arquivo muito grande. O tamanho máximo permitido é $maxsize bytes." ), 'MISSING_DIR' => array( 'es' => 'Falta directorio destino.', 'en' => 'Missing destination directory.', 'de' => 'Kein Zielverzeichnis definiert.', 'nl' => 'Geen bestemmings directory.', 'fr' => 'Le répertoire de destination n\'est pas défini.', 'it' => 'Manca la directory di destinazione.', 'pt_BR' => 'Ausência de diretório de destino.' ), 'IS_NOT_DIR' => array( 'es' => 'El directorio destino no existe o es un fichero regular.', 'en' => 'The destination directory doesn\'t exist or is a regular file.', 'de' => 'Das angebene Zielverzeichnis existiert nicht oder ist eine Datei.', 'nl' => 'De doeldirectory bestaat niet, of is een gewoon bestand.', 'fr' => 'Le répertoire de destination n\'existe pas ou il s\'agit d\'un fichier régulier.', 'it' => 'La directory di destinazione non esiste o é un file.', 'pt_BR' => 'O diretório de destino não existe ou é um arquivo.' ), 'NO_WRITE_PERMS' => array( 'es' => 'El directorio destino no tiene permisos de escritura.', 'en' => 'The destination directory doesn\'t have write perms.', 'de' => 'Fehlende Schreibrechte für das Zielverzeichnis.', 'nl' => 'Geen toestemming om te schrijven in de doeldirectory.', 'fr' => 'Le répertoire de destination n\'a pas les droits en écriture.', 'it' => 'Non si hanno i permessi di scrittura sulla directory di destinazione.', 'pt_BR' => 'O diretório de destino não possui permissão para escrita.' ), 'NO_USER_FILE' => array( 'es' => 'No se ha escogido fichero para el upload.', 'en' => 'You haven\'t selected any file for uploading.', 'de' => 'Es wurde keine Datei für den Upload ausgewählt.', 'nl' => 'Er is geen bestand opgegeven om te uploaden.', 'fr' => 'Vous n\'avez pas sélectionné de fichier à envoyer.', 'it' => 'Nessun file selezionato per l\'upload.', 'pt_BR' => 'Nenhum arquivo selecionado para upload.' ), 'BAD_FORM' => array( 'es' => 'El formulario no contiene method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" requerido.', 'en' => 'The html form doesn\'t contain the required method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data".', 'de' => 'Das HTML-Formular enthält nicht die Angabe method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" '. 'im >form<-Tag.', 'nl' => 'Het HTML-formulier bevat niet de volgende benodigde '. 'eigenschappen: method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data".', 'fr' => 'Le formulaire HTML ne contient pas les attributs requis : '. ' method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data".', 'it' => 'Il modulo HTML non contiene gli attributi richiesti: "'. ' method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data".', 'pt_BR' => 'O formulário HTML não possui o method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" requerido.' ), 'E_FAIL_COPY' => array( 'es' => 'Fallo al copiar el fichero temporal.', 'en' => 'Failed to copy the temporary file.', 'de' => 'Temporäre Datei konnte nicht kopiert werden.', 'nl' => 'Het tijdelijke bestand kon niet gekopieerd worden.', 'fr' => 'L\'enregistrement du fichier temporaire a échoué.', 'it' => 'Copia del file temporaneo fallita.', 'pt_BR' => 'Falha ao copiar o arquivo temporário.' ), 'E_FAIL_MOVE' => array( 'es' => 'No puedo mover el fichero.', 'en' => 'Impossible to move the file.', 'de' => 'Datei kann nicht verschoben werden.', 'nl' => 'Het bestand kon niet verplaatst worden.', 'fr' => 'Impossible de déplacer le fichier.', 'pt_BR' => 'Não foi possível mover o arquivo.' ), 'FILE_EXISTS' => array( 'es' => 'El fichero destino ya existe.', 'en' => 'The destination file already exists.', 'de' => 'Die zu erzeugende Datei existiert bereits.', 'nl' => 'Het doelbestand bestaat al.', 'fr' => 'Le fichier de destination existe déjà.', 'it' => 'File destinazione già esistente.', 'pt_BR' => 'O arquivo de destino já existe.' ), 'CANNOT_OVERWRITE' => array( 'es' => 'El fichero destino ya existe y no se puede sobreescribir.', 'en' => 'The destination file already exists and could not be overwritten.', 'de' => 'Die zu erzeugende Datei existiert bereits und konnte nicht überschrieben werden.', 'nl' => 'Het doelbestand bestaat al, en kon niet worden overschreven.', 'fr' => 'Le fichier de destination existe déjà et ne peux pas être remplacé.', 'it' => 'File destinazione già esistente e non si può sovrascrivere.', 'pt_BR' => 'O arquivo de destino já existe e não pôde ser sobrescrito.' ), 'NOT_ALLOWED_EXTENSION' => array( 'es' => 'Extension de fichero no permitida.', 'en' => 'File extension not permitted.', 'de' => 'Unerlaubte Dateiendung.', 'nl' => 'Niet toegestane bestands-extensie.', 'fr' => 'Le fichier a une extension non autorisée.', 'it' => 'Estensione del File non permessa.', 'pt_BR' => 'Extensão de arquivo não permitida.' ), 'PARTIAL' => array( 'es' => 'El fichero fue parcialmente subido', 'en' => 'The file was only partially uploaded.', 'de' => 'Die Datei wurde unvollständig übertragen.', 'nl' => 'Het bestand is slechts gedeeltelijk geupload.', 'pt_BR' => 'O arquivo no foi enviado por completo.' ), 'ERROR' => array( 'es' => 'Error en subida:', 'en' => 'Upload error:', 'de' => 'Fehler beim Upload:', 'nl' => 'Upload fout:', 'pt_BR' => 'Erro de upload:' ), 'DEV_NO_DEF_FILE' => array( 'es' => 'No est definido en el formulario este nombre de fichero como <input type="file" name=?>.', 'en' => 'This filename is not defined in the form as <input type="file" name=?>.', 'de' => 'Dieser Dateiname ist im Formular nicht als <input type="file" name=?> definiert.', 'nl' => 'Deze bestandsnaam is niett gedefineerd in het formulier als <input type="file" name=?>.' ) ); } /** * returns the error code * * @param string $e_code type of error * @return string Error message */ function errorCode($e_code) { if (!empty($this->error_codes[$e_code][$this->lang])) { $msg = $this->html ? html_entity_decode($this->error_codes[$e_code][$this->lang]) : $this->error_codes[$e_code][$this->lang]; } else { $msg = $e_code; } if (!empty($this->error_codes['ERROR'][$this->lang])) { $error = $this->error_codes['ERROR'][$this->lang]; } else { $error = $this->error_codes['ERROR']['en']; } return $error.' '.$msg; } /** * Overwrites the PEAR::raiseError method * * @param string $e_code type of error * @return object PEAR_Error a PEAR-Error object * @access public */ function raiseError($e_code) { return PEAR::raiseError($this->errorCode($e_code), $e_code); } } /** * This class provides an advanced file uploader system * for file uploads made from html forms * * @author Tomas V.V.Cox
* @see http://vulcanonet.com/soft/index.php?pack=uploader * @package HTTP_Upload * @category HTTP * @access public */ class HTTP_Upload extends HTTP_Upload_Error { /** * Contains an array of "uploaded files" objects * @var array */ var $files = array(); /** * Contains the desired chmod for uploaded files * @var int * @access private */ var $_chmod = HTTP_UPLOAD_DEFAULT_CHMOD; /** * Constructor * * @param string $lang Language to use for reporting errors * @see Upload_Error::error_codes * @access public */ function HTTP_Upload($lang = null) { $this->HTTP_Upload_Error($lang); if (function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare(phpversion(), '4.1', 'ge')) { $this->post_files = $_FILES; if (isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) { $this->content_type = $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']; } } else { global $HTTP_POST_FILES, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $this->post_files = $HTTP_POST_FILES; if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['CONTENT_TYPE'])) { $this->content_type = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['CONTENT_TYPE']; } } } /** * Get files * * @param mixed $file If: * - not given, function will return array of upload_file objects * - is int, will return the $file position in upload_file objects array * - is string, will return the upload_file object corresponding * to $file name of the form. For ex: * if form is
* to get this file use: $upload->getFiles('userfile') * * @return mixed array or object (see @param $file above) or Pear_Error * @access public */ function &getFiles($file = null) { static $is_built = false; //build only once for multiple calls if (!$is_built) { $files = &$this->_buildFiles(); if (PEAR::isError($files)) { // there was an error with the form. // Create a faked upload embedding the error $this->files['_error'] = &new HTTP_Upload_File( '_error', null, null, null, null, $files->getCode(), $this->lang, $this->_chmod); } else { $this->files = $files; } $is_built = true; } if ($file !== null) { if (is_int($file)) { $pos = 0; foreach ($this->files as $obj) { if ($pos == $file) { return $obj; } $pos++; } } elseif (is_string($file) && isset($this->files[$file])) { return $this->files[$file]; } if (isset($this->files['_error'])) { return $this->files['_error']; } else { // developer didn't specify this name in the form // warn him about it with a faked upload return new HTTP_Upload_File( '_error', null, null, null, null, 'DEV_NO_DEF_FILE', $this->lang); } } return $this->files; } /** * Creates the list of the uploaded file * * @return array of HTTP_Upload_File objects for every file */ function &_buildFiles() { // Form method check if (!isset($this->content_type) || strpos($this->content_type, 'multipart/form-data') !== 0) { return $this->raiseError('BAD_FORM'); } // In 4.1 $_FILES isn't initialized when no uploads // XXX (cox) afaik, in >= 4.1 and <= 4.3 only if (function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare(phpversion(), '4.1', 'ge')) { $error = $this->isMissing(); if (PEAR::isError($error)) { return $error; } } // map error codes from 4.2.0 $_FILES['userfile']['error'] if (function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare(phpversion(), '4.2.0', 'ge')) { $uploadError = array( 1 => 'TOO_LARGE', 2 => 'TOO_LARGE', 3 => 'PARTIAL', 4 => 'NO_USER_FILE' ); } // Parse $_FILES (or $HTTP_POST_FILES) $files = array(); foreach ($this->post_files as $userfile => $value) { if (is_array($value['name'])) { foreach ($value['name'] as $key => $val) { $err = $value['error'][$key]; if (isset($err) && $err !== 0 && isset($uploadError[$err])) { $error = $uploadError[$err]; } else { $error = null; } $name = basename($value['name'][$key]); $tmp_name = $value['tmp_name'][$key]; $size = $value['size'][$key]; $type = $value['type'][$key]; $formname = $userfile . "[$key]"; $files[$formname] = new HTTP_Upload_File($name, $tmp_name, $formname, $type, $size, $error, $this->lang, $this->_chmod); } // One file } else { $err = $value['error']; if (isset($err) && $err !== 0 && isset($uploadError[$err])) { $error = $uploadError[$err]; } else { $error = null; } $name = basename($value['name']); $tmp_name = $value['tmp_name']; $size = $value['size']; $type = $value['type']; $formname = $userfile; $files[$formname] = new HTTP_Upload_File($name, $tmp_name, $formname, $type, $size, $error, $this->lang, $this->_chmod); } } return $files; } /** * Checks if the user submited or not some file * * @return mixed False when are files or PEAR_Error when no files * @access public * @see Read the note in the source code about this function */ function isMissing() { if (count($this->post_files) < 1) { return $this->raiseError('NO_USER_FILE'); } //we also check if at least one file has more than 0 bytes :) $files = array(); $size = 0; foreach ($this->post_files as $userfile => $value) { if (is_array($value['name'])) { foreach ($value['name'] as $key => $val) { $size += $value['size'][$key]; } } else { //one file $size = $value['size']; } } if ($size == 0) { $this->raiseError('NO_USER_FILE'); } return false; } /** * Sets the chmod to be used for uploaded files * * @param int Desired mode */ function setChmod($mode) { $this->_chmod = $mode; } } /** * This class provides functions to work with the uploaded file * * @author Tomas V.V.Cox
* @see http://vulcanonet.com/soft/index.php?pack=uploader * @package HTTP_Upload * @category HTTP * @access public */ class HTTP_Upload_File extends HTTP_Upload_Error { /** * If the random seed was initialized before or not * @var boolean; */ var $_seeded = 0; /** * Assoc array with file properties * @var array */ var $upload = array(); /** * If user haven't selected a mode, by default 'safe' will be used * @var boolean */ var $mode_name_selected = false; /** * It's a common security risk in pages who has the upload dir * under the document root (remember the hack of the Apache web?) * * @var array * @access private * @see HTTP_Upload_File::setValidExtensions() */ var $_extensions_check = array('php', 'phtm', 'phtml', 'php3', 'inc'); /** * @see HTTP_Upload_File::setValidExtensions() * @var string * @access private */ var $_extensions_mode = 'deny'; /** * Contains the desired chmod for uploaded files * @var int * @access private */ var $_chmod = HTTP_UPLOAD_DEFAULT_CHMOD; /** * Constructor * * @param string $name destination file name * @param string $tmp temp file name * @param string $formname name of the form * @param string $type Mime type of the file * @param string $size size of the file * @param string $error error on upload * @param string $lang used language for errormessages * @access public */ function HTTP_Upload_File($name = null, $tmp = null, $formname = null, $type = null, $size = null, $error = null, $lang = null, $chmod = HTTP_UPLOAD_DEFAULT_CHMOD) { $this->HTTP_Upload_Error($lang); $ext = null; if (empty($name) || $size == 0) { $error = 'NO_USER_FILE'; } elseif ($tmp == 'none') { $error = 'TOO_LARGE'; } else { // strpos needed to detect files without extension if (($pos = strrpos($name, '.')) !== false) { $ext = substr($name, $pos + 1); } } if (function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare(phpversion(), '4.1', 'ge')) { if (isset($_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE']) && $size > $_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE']) { $error = 'TOO_LARGE'; } } else { global $HTTP_POST_VARS; if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['MAX_FILE_SIZE']) && $size > $HTTP_POST_VARS['MAX_FILE_SIZE']) { $error = 'TOO_LARGE'; } } $this->upload = array( 'real' => $name, 'name' => $name, 'form_name' => $formname, 'ext' => $ext, 'tmp_name' => $tmp, 'size' => $size, 'type' => $type, 'error' => $error ); $this->_chmod = $chmod; } /** * Sets the name of the destination file * * @param string $mode A valid mode: 'uniq', 'safe' or 'real' or a file name * @param string $prepend A string to prepend to the name * @param string $append A string to append to the name * * @return string The modified name of the destination file * @access public */ function setName($mode, $prepend = null, $append = null) { switch ($mode) { case 'uniq': $name = $this->nameToUniq(); $this->upload['ext'] = $this->nameToSafe($this->upload['ext'], 10); $name .= '.' . $this->upload['ext']; break; case 'safe': $name = $this->nameToSafe($this->upload['real']); if (($pos = strrpos($name, '.')) !== false) { $this->upload['ext'] = substr($name, $pos + 1); } else { $this->upload['ext'] = ''; } break; case 'real': $name = $this->upload['real']; break; default: $name = $mode; } $this->upload['name'] = $prepend . $name . $append; $this->mode_name_selected = true; return $this->upload['name']; } /** * Unique file names in the form: 9022210413b75410c28bef.html * @see HTTP_Upload_File::setName() */ function nameToUniq() { if (! $this->_seeded) { srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $this->_seeded = 1; } $uniq = uniqid(rand()); return $uniq; } /** * Format a file name to be safe * * @param string $file The string file name * @param int $maxlen Maximun permited string lenght * @return string Formatted file name * @see HTTP_Upload_File::setName() */ function nameToSafe($name, $maxlen=250) { $noalpha = '@'; $alpha = 'AEIOUYaeiouyAEIOUaeiouAEIOUaeiouAEIOUaeiouyAaOoAaNnCcaooa'; $name = substr($name, 0, $maxlen); $name = strtr($name, $noalpha, $alpha); // not permitted chars are replaced with "_" return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9,._\+\()\-]/', '_', $name); } /** * The upload was valid * * @return bool If the file was submitted correctly * @access public */ function isValid() { if ($this->upload['error'] === null) { return true; } return false; } /** * User haven't submit a file * * @return bool If the user submitted a file or not * @access public */ function isMissing() { if ($this->upload['error'] == 'NO_USER_FILE') { return true; } return false; } /** * Some error occured during upload (most common due a file size problem, * like max size exceeded or 0 bytes long). * @return bool If there were errors submitting the file (probably * because the file excess the max permitted file size) * @access public */ function isError() { if (in_array($this->upload['error'], array('TOO_LARGE', 'BAD_FORM','DEV_NO_DEF_FILE'))) { return true; } return false; } /** * Moves the uploaded file to its destination directory. * * @param string $dir_dest Destination directory * @param bool $overwrite Overwrite if destination file exists? * @return mixed True on success or Pear_Error object on error * @access public */ function moveTo($dir_dest, $overwrite = true) { if (!$this->isValid()) { return $this->raiseError($this->upload['error']); } //Valid extensions check if (!$this->_evalValidExtensions()) { return $this->raiseError('NOT_ALLOWED_EXTENSION'); } $err_code = $this->_chk_dir_dest($dir_dest); if ($err_code !== false) { return $this->raiseError($err_code); } // Use 'safe' mode by default if no other was selected if (!$this->mode_name_selected) { $this->setName('safe'); } $name_dest = $dir_dest . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->upload['name']; if (@is_file($name_dest)) { if ($overwrite !== true) { return $this->raiseError('FILE_EXISTS'); } elseif (!is_writable($name_dest)) { return $this->raiseError('CANNOT_OVERWRITE'); } } // copy the file and let php clean the tmp if (!@move_uploaded_file($this->upload['tmp_name'], $name_dest)) { return $this->raiseError('E_FAIL_MOVE'); } @chmod($name_dest, $this->_chmod); return $this->getProp('name'); } /** * Check for a valid destination dir * * @param string $dir_dest Destination dir * @return mixed False on no errors or error code on error */ function _chk_dir_dest($dir_dest) { if (!$dir_dest) { return 'MISSING_DIR'; } if (!@is_dir ($dir_dest)) { return 'IS_NOT_DIR'; } if (!is_writeable ($dir_dest)) { return 'NO_WRITE_PERMS'; } return false; } /** * Retrive properties of the uploaded file * @param string $name The property name. When null an assoc array with * all the properties will be returned * @return mixed A string or array * @see HTTP_Upload_File::HTTP_Upload_File() * @access public */ function getProp($name = null) { if ($name === null) { return $this->upload; } return $this->upload[$name]; } /** * Returns a error message, if a error occured * (deprecated) Use getMessage() instead * @return string a Error message * @access public */ function errorMsg() { return $this->errorCode($this->upload['error']); } /** * Returns a error message, if a error occured * @return string a Error message * @access public */ function getMessage() { return $this->errorCode($this->upload['error']); } /** * Function to restrict the valid extensions on file uploads * * @param array $exts File extensions to validate * @param string $mode The type of validation: * 1) 'deny' Will deny only the supplied extensions * 2) 'accept' Will accept only the supplied extensions * as valid * @access public */ function setValidExtensions($exts, $mode = 'deny') { $this->_extensions_check = $exts; $this->_extensions_mode = $mode; } /** * Evaluates the validity of the extensions set by setValidExtensions * * @return bool False on non valid extension, true if they are valid * @access private */ function _evalValidExtensions() { $exts = $this->_extensions_check; settype($exts, 'array'); if ($this->_extensions_mode == 'deny') { if (in_array($this->getProp('ext'), $exts)) { return false; } // mode == 'accept' } else { if (!in_array($this->getProp('ext'), $exts)) { return false; } } return true; } } ?>