* @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version CVS: $Id: model.php,v 1.5 2005/07/25 13:02:33 farell Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_Progress */ require_once 'Config.php'; /** * The HTML_Progress_Model class provides an easy way to set look and feel * of a progress bar with external config file. * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI: * http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. If you did not receive a copy of * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please * send a note to license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. * * @category HTML * @package HTML_Progress * @subpackage Progress_UI * @author Laurent Laville
* @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_Progress */ class HTML_Progress_Model extends HTML_Progress_UI { /** * Package name used by PEAR_ErrorStack functions * * @var string * @since 1.0 * @access private */ var $_package; /** * The progress bar's UI extended model class constructor * * @param string $file file name of model properties * @param string $type type of external ressource (phpArray, iniFile, XML ...) * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @throws HTML_PROGRESS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT */ function HTML_Progress_Model($file, $type) { $this->_package = 'HTML_Progress'; if (!file_exists($file)) { return HTML_Progress::raiseError(HTML_PROGRESS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, 'error', array('var' => '$file', 'was' => $file, 'expected' => 'file exists', 'paramnum' => 1)); } $conf = new Config(); if (!$conf->isConfigTypeRegistered($type)) { return HTML_Progress::raiseError(HTML_PROGRESS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, 'error', array('var' => '$type', 'was' => $type, 'expected' => implode (" | ", array_keys($GLOBALS['CONFIG_TYPES'])), 'paramnum' => 2)); } $data = $conf->parseConfig($file, $type); $structure = $data->toArray(false); $this->_progress =& $structure['root']; if (is_array($this->_progress['cell']['font-family'])) { $this->_progress['cell']['font-family'] = implode(",", $this->_progress['cell']['font-family']); } if (is_array($this->_progress['string']['font-family'])) { $this->_progress['string']['font-family'] = implode(",", $this->_progress['string']['font-family']); } $this->_orientation = $this->_progress['orientation']['shape']; $this->_fillWay = $this->_progress['orientation']['fillway']; if (isset($this->_progress['script']['file'])) { $this->_script = $this->_progress['script']['file']; } else { $this->_script = null; } if (isset($this->_progress['cell']['count'])) { $this->_cellCount = $this->_progress['cell']['count']; } else { $this->_cellCount = 10; } $this->_updateProgressSize(); } } ?>