* @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL * @version CVS: $Id$ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/File_Archive */ require_once "File/Archive/Reader/Archive.php"; /** * ZIP archive reader * Currently only allows to browse the archive (getData is not available) */ class File_Archive_Reader_Zip extends File_Archive_Reader_Archive { var $currentFilename = null; var $currentStat = null; var $header = null; var $offset = 0; var $data = null; var $files = array(); var $seekToEnd = 0; var $centralDirectory = null; /** * @see File_Archive_Reader::close() */ function close() { $this->currentFilename = null; $this->currentStat = null; $this->compLength = 0; $this->data = null; $this->seekToEnd = 0; $this->files = array(); $this->centralDirectory = null; return parent::close(); } /** * @see File_Archive_Reader::getFilename() */ function getFilename() { return $this->currentFilename; } /** * @see File_Archive_Reader::getStat() */ function getStat() { return $this->currentStat; } /** * Go to next entry in ZIP archive * * @see File_Archive_Reader::next() */ function next() { if ($this->seekToEnd > 0) { return false; } //Skip the data and the footer if they haven't been uncompressed if ($this->header !== null && $this->data === null) { $toSkip = $this->header['CLen']; $error = $this->source->skip($toSkip); if (PEAR::isError($error)) { return $error; } } $this->offset = 0; $this->data = null; //Read the header $header = $this->source->getData(4); // Handle PK00PK archives if ($header == "\x50\x4b\x30\x30") { //PK00 $header = $this->source->getData(4); } // Sometimes this header is used to tag the data descriptor section if($header == "\x50\x4b\x07\x08") { // Read out the data descriptor (always 12 bytes) $this->source->getData(12); // Get a new header from the file $header = $this->source->getData(4); } if (PEAR::isError($header)) { return $header; } if ($header == "\x50\x4b\x03\x04") { //New entry $header = $this->source->getData(26); if (PEAR::isError($header)) { return $header; } $this->header = unpack( "vVersion/vFlag/vMethod/vTime/vDate/VCRC/VCLen/VNLen/vFile/vExtra", $header); //Check the compression method if ($this->header['Method'] != 0 && $this->header['Method'] != 8 && $this->header['Method'] != 12) { return PEAR::raiseError("File_Archive_Reader_Zip doesn't ". "handle compression method {$this->header['Method']}"); } if ($this->header['Flag'] & 1) { return PEAR::raiseError("File_Archive_Reader_Zip doesn't ". "handle encrypted files"); } if ($this->header['Flag'] & 8) { if ($this->centralDirectory === null) { $this->readCentralDirectory(); } $centralDirEntry = $this->centralDirectory[count($this->files)]; $this->header['CRC'] = $centralDirEntry['CRC']; $this->header['CLen'] = $centralDirEntry['CLen']; $this->header['NLen'] = $centralDirEntry['NLen']; } if ($this->header['Flag'] & 32) { return PEAR::raiseError("File_Archive_Reader_Zip doesn't ". "handle compressed patched data"); } if ($this->header['Flag'] & 64) { return PEAR::raiseError("File_Archive_Reader_Zip doesn't ". "handle strong encrypted files"); } $this->currentStat = array( 7=>$this->header['NLen'], 9=>mktime( ($this->header['Time'] & 0xF800) >> 11, //hour ($this->header['Time'] & 0x07E0) >> 5, //minute ($this->header['Time'] & 0x001F) >> 1, //second ($this->header['Date'] & 0x01E0) >> 5, //month ($this->header['Date'] & 0x001F) , //day (($this->header['Date'] & 0xFE00) >> 9) + 1980 //year ) ); $this->currentStat['size'] = $this->currentStat[7]; $this->currentStat['mtime'] = $this->currentStat[9]; $this->currentFilename = $this->source->getData($this->header['File']); $error = $this->source->skip($this->header['Extra']); if (PEAR::isError($error)) { return $error; } $this->files[] = array('name' => $this->currentFilename, 'stat' => $this->currentStat, 'CRC' => $this->header['CRC'], 'CLen' => $this->header['CLen'] ); return true; } else { //Begining of central area $this->seekToEnd = 4; $this->currentFilename = null; return false; } } /** * @see File_Archive_Reader::getData() */ function getData($length = -1) { if ($this->offset >= $this->currentStat[7]) { return null; } if ($length>=0) { $actualLength = min($length, $this->currentStat[7]-$this->offset); } else { $actualLength = $this->currentStat[7]-$this->offset; } $error = $this->uncompressData(); if (PEAR::isError($error)) { return $error; } $result = substr($this->data, $this->offset, $actualLength); $this->offset += $actualLength; return $result; } /** * @see File_Archive_Reader::skip() */ function skip($length = -1) { $before = $this->offset; if ($length == -1) { $this->offset = $this->currentStat[7]; } else { $this->offset = min($this->offset + $length, $this->currentStat[7]); } return $this->offset - $before; } /** * @see File_Archive_Reader::rewind() */ function rewind($length = -1) { $before = $this->offset; if ($length == -1) { $this->offset = 0; } else { $this->offset = min(0, $this->offset - $length); } return $before - $this->offset; } /** * @see File_Archive_Reader::tell() */ function tell() { return $this->offset; } function uncompressData() { if ($this->data !== null) return; $this->data = $this->source->getData($this->header['CLen']); if (PEAR::isError($this->data)) { return $this->data; } if ($this->header['Method'] == 8) { $this->data = gzinflate($this->data); } if ($this->header['Method'] == 12) { $this->data = bzdecompress($this->data); } if (crc32($this->data) != ($this->header['CRC'] & 0xFFFFFFFF)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Zip archive: CRC fails on entry ". $this->currentFilename); } } /** * @see File_Archive_Reader::makeWriterRemoveFiles() */ function makeWriterRemoveFiles($pred) { require_once "File/Archive/Writer/Zip.php"; $blocks = array(); $seek = null; $gap = 0; if ($this->currentFilename !== null && $pred->isTrue($this)) { $seek = 30 + $this->header['File'] + $this->header['Extra'] + $this->header['CLen']; $blocks[] = $seek; //Remove this file array_pop($this->files); } while (($error = $this->next()) === true) { $size = 30 + $this->header['File'] + $this->header['Extra'] + $this->header['CLen']; if (substr($this->getFilename(), -1) == '/' || $pred->isTrue($this)) { array_pop($this->files); if ($seek === null) { $seek = $size; $blocks[] = $size; } else if ($gap > 0) { $blocks[] = $gap; //Don't remove the files between the gap $blocks[] = $size; $seek += $size; } else { $blocks[count($blocks)-1] += $size; //Also remove this file $seek += $size; } $gap = 0; } else { if ($seek !== null) { $seek += $size; $gap += $size; } } } if (PEAR::isError($error)) { return $error; } if ($seek === null) { $seek = 4; } else { $seek += 4; if ($gap == 0) { array_pop($blocks); } else { $blocks[] = $gap; } } $writer = new File_Archive_Writer_Zip(null, $this->source->makeWriterRemoveBlocks($blocks, -$seek) ); if (PEAR::isError($writer)) { return $writer; } foreach ($this->files as $file) { $writer->alreadyWrittenFile($file['name'], $file['stat'], $file['CRC'], $file['CLen']); } $this->close(); return $writer; } /** * @see File_Archive_Reader::makeWriterRemoveBlocks() */ function makeWriterRemoveBlocks($blocks, $seek = 0) { if ($this->currentFilename === null) { return PEAR::raiseError('No file selected'); } $keep = false; $this->uncompressData(); $newData = substr($this->data, 0, $this->offset + $seek); $this->data = substr($this->data, $this->offset + $seek); foreach ($blocks as $length) { if ($keep) { $newData .= substr($this->data, 0, $length); } $this->data = substr($this->data, $length); $keep = !$keep; } if ($keep) { $newData .= $this->data; } $filename = $this->currentFilename; $stat = $this->currentStat; $writer = $this->makeWriterRemove(); if (PEAR::isError($writer)) { return $writer; } unset($stat[7]); $stat[9] = $stat['mtime'] = time(); $writer->newFile($filename, $stat); $writer->writeData($newData); return $writer; } /** * @see File_Archive_Reader::makeAppendWriter */ function makeAppendWriter() { require_once "File/Archive/Writer/Zip.php"; while (($error = $this->next()) === true) { } if (PEAR::isError($error)) { $this->close(); return $error; } $writer = new File_Archive_Writer_Zip(null, $this->source->makeWriterRemoveBlocks(array(), -4) ); foreach ($this->files as $file) { $writer->alreadyWrittenFile($file['name'], $file['stat'], $file['CRC'], $file['CLen']); } $this->close(); return $writer; } /** * This function seeks to the start of the [end of central directory] field, * just after the \x50\x4b\x05\x06 signature and returns the number of bytes * skipped * * The stream must initially be positioned before the end of central directory */ function seekToEndOfCentralDirectory() { $nbSkipped = $this->source->skip(); $nbSkipped -= $this->source->rewind(22) - 4; if ($this->source->getData(4) == "\x50\x4b\x05\x06") { return $nbSkipped; } while ($nbSkipped > 0) { $nbRewind = $this->source->rewind(min(100, $nbSkipped)); while ($nbRewind >= -4) { if ($nbRewind-- && $this->source->getData(1) == "\x50" && $nbRewind-- && $this->source->getData(1) == "\x4b" && $nbRewind-- && $this->source->getData(1) == "\x05" && $nbRewind-- && $this->source->getData(1) == "\x06") { //We finally found it! return $nbSkipped - $nbRewind; } } $nbSkipped -= $nbRewind; } return PEAR::raiseError('End of central directory not found. The file is probably not a zip archive'); } /** * This function will fill the central directory variable * and seek back to where it was called */ function readCentralDirectory() { $nbSkipped = $this->seekToEndOfCentralDirectory(); if (PEAR::isError($nbSkipped)) { return $nbSkipped; } $this->source->skip(12); $offset = $this->source->getData(4); $nbSkipped += 16; if (PEAR::isError($offset)) { return $offset; } $offset = unpack("Vvalue", $offset); $offset = $offset['value']; $current = $this->source->tell(); $nbSkipped -= $this->source->rewind($current - $offset); //Now we are the right pos to read the central directory $this->centralDirectory = array(); while ($this->source->getData(4) == "\x50\x4b\x01\x02") { $this->source->skip(12); $header = $this->source->getData(16); $nbSkipped += 32; if (PEAR::isError($header)) { return $header; } $header = unpack('VCRC/VCLen/VNLen/vFileLength/vExtraLength', $header); $this->centralDirectory[] = array('CRC' => $header['CRC'], 'CLen' => $header['CLen'], 'NLen' => $header['NLen']); $nbSkipped += $this->source->skip(14 + $header['FileLength'] + $header['ExtraLength']); } $this->source->rewind($nbSkipped+4); } } ?>