* @copyright 2005-2008 Hartmut Holzgraefe * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version CVS: $Id: Command.php,v 1.9 2007/04/17 08:53:07 hholzgra Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/CodeGen */ /** * includes */ require_once 'PEAR.php'; require_once "CodeGen/Tools/Getopt.php"; require_once "CodeGen/Extension.php"; /** * Command wrapper class * * This class wraps up the functionality needed for the * command line script. * * @category Tools and Utilities * @package CodeGen * @author Hartmut Holzgraefe
* @copyright 2005-2008 Hartmut Holzgraefe * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/CodeGen */ class CodeGen_Command { /** * The extension the command class is going to work on * * @var object */ protected $extension; /** * The command name * * e.g. for usage output * * @var string */ protected $commandName = '$command'; /** * Command constructor * * @param object Extension to work on */ function __construct(CodeGen_Extension $extension, $commandName = false) { $this->extension = $extension; // no compromise error_reporting(E_ALL); // but make sure errors are written to stderr so they can't be collected by ob_* functions set_error_handler(array($this, "errorHandler")); list($shortOptions, $longOptions) = $this->commandOptions(); // set the command name // Unix shells store the invoking script name in // the "_" environment variable. If this is not // set we take the constructor parameter or the // default value as a last resort if (isset($_SERVER["_"])) { $this->commandName = basename($_SERVER["_"]); } else if ($commandName) { $this->commandName = $commandName; } $this->options = new CodeGen_Tools_Getopt($shortOptions, $longOptions, array($this, "showUsage")); if ($this->options->have("help", "h")) { $this->showVersion(); $this->showUsage(); exit(0); } if ($this->options->have("version")) { $this->showVersion(); exit(0); } } /** * Define the available command line options * * @return array the available short and long options */ function commandOptions() { $shortOptions = "fd=hlqr=x"; $longOptions = array( "help", "dir=", "experimental", "force", "lint", "quiet", "run=", "version", ); return array($shortOptions, $longOptions); } /** * Show copyright and version info taken from extension class * */ function showVersion() { $fp = fopen("php://stderr", "w"); fputs($fp, $this->commandName . " ". $this->extension->version() . ", " . $this->extension->copyright() . "\n"); fclose($fp); } /** * Show usage/help message * * @param string optional error message to display */ function showUsage($message = false) { $fp = fopen("php://stderr", "w"); if ($message) fputs($fp, "$message\n"); fputs($fp, "\nUsage: ". $this->commandName ." [-hxfl] [-d dir] [--version] specfile.xml -h|--help this message -x|--experimental enable experimental features -d|--dir output directory -f|--force overwrite existing files/directories -l|--lint check syntax only, don't create output -r|--run perform extra steps after source / project generation, e.g. 'configure', 'make', 'test' --version show version info "); fclose($fp); } /** * Show error message and bailout * * @param string error message */ function terminate($msg) { $stderr = fopen("php://stderr", "w"); if ($stderr) { fprintf($stderr, "%s\n", $msg); fclose($stderr); } else { echo "$msg\n"; } exit(3); } /** * Error handler callback * * @param int error level number * @param string error message * @param string source file * @param int source line */ function errorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if ($errno & error_reporting()) { $fp = fopen("php://stderr", "w"); switch ($errno) { case E_ERROR : fputs($fp, "Error"); break; case E_WARNING : fputs($fp, "Warning"); break; case E_PARSE : fputs($fp, "Parsing Error"); break; case E_NOTICE : fputs($fp, "Notice"); break; case E_CORE_ERROR : fputs($fp, "Core Error"); break; case E_CORE_WARNING : fputs($fp, "Core Warning"); break; case E_COMPILE_ERROR : fputs($fp, "Compile Error"); break; case E_COMPILE_WARNING : fputs($fp, "Compile Warning"); break; case E_USER_ERROR : fputs($fp, "User Error"); break; case E_USER_WARNING : fputs($fp, "User Warning"); break; case E_USER_NOTICE : fputs($fp, "User Notice"); break; case E_STRICT : fputs($fp, "Runtime Notice"); break; default : fputs($fp, "Unknown Error"); break; } fputs($fp, ": $errstr in $errfile on line $errline\n"); fclose($fp); } } /** * Create extension using the given parser * * @param object Extension parser */ function execute($parser) { // normal operation: read XML file and go with that $arguments = $this->options->arguments(); if (count($arguments) != 1) { $this->showUsage(); exit(3); } $xmlfile = $arguments[0]; if (!file_exists($xmlfile) || !is_readable($xmlfile)) { $this->terminate("Cannot open spec file '$xmlfile'"); } // create parser for extension specs $err = $parser->setInputFile($xmlfile); if (PEAR::isError($err)) { $this->terminate($err->message); } // do the actual parsing $err = $parser->parse(); if (PEAR::isError($err)) { $this->terminate($err->getMessage()." ".$err->getUserInfo()); } else if (is_string($err)) { $this->terminate($err); } if ($this->options->have("l", "lint")) { return; } // and now create the actual extension from the collected specs $err = $this->extension->createExtension($this->options->value("d", "dir"), $this->options->have("f", "force")); if (PEAR::isError($err)) { $this->terminate($err->getMessage()." ".$err->getUserInfo()); } if (!$this->options->have("q", "quiet")) { echo $this->extension->successMsg($this->extension->getName()); } if ($this->options->value("r", "run")) { $this->extension->runExtra($this->options->value("r", "run")); } } }