* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD * @version CVS: $Id: HTML_CSS_TestSuite_Output.php,v 1.1 2009/01/20 09:14:16 farell Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_CSS * @since File available since Release 1.5.2 */ if (!defined("PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD")) { define("PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD", "HTML_CSS_TestSuite_Output::main"); } require_once "PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php"; require_once "PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite.php"; require_once "PHPUnit/Extensions/OutputTestCase.php"; require_once 'HTML/CSS.php'; require_once 'PEAR.php'; /** * Test suite class to test standard HTML_CSS API. * * @category HTML * @package HTML_CSS * @author Laurent Laville
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD * @version Release: 1.5.4 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_CSS * @since File available since Release 1.5.2 */ class HTML_CSS_TestSuite_Output extends PHPUnit_Extensions_OutputTestCase { /** * A CSS object * @var object */ protected $css; /** * Runs the test methods of this class. * * @static * @return void */ public static function main() { include_once "PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php"; $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite('HTML_CSS Output Tests'); $result = PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite); } /** * Sets up the fixture. * This method is called before a test is executed. * * @return void */ protected function setUp() { $attrs = array(); $prefs = array('push_callback' => array($this, 'handleError'), 'error_callback' => array($this, 'handleErrorOutput')); $this->css = new HTML_CSS($attrs, $prefs); $this->setOutputCallback(array(&$this, 'normalizeOutput')); } /** * Tears down the fixture. * This method is called after a test is executed. * * @return void */ protected function tearDown() { unset($this->css); } /** * Don't die if the error is an exception (as default callback) * * @param int $code a numeric error code. * Valid are HTML_CSS_ERROR_* constants * @param string $level error level ('exception', 'error', 'warning', ...) * * @return int PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK */ public function handleError($code, $level) { return PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK; } /** * Do nothing (no display, no log) when an error is raised * * @param object $css_error instance of HTML_CSS_Error * * @return void */ public function handleErrorOutput($css_error) { } /** * Tests output result directly to browser * * @return void * @group output */ public function testSendResultDirectlyToBrowser() { $this->css->setStyle('body', 'background-color', '#0c0c0c'); $this->css->setStyle('body', 'color', '#ffffff'); $this->css->setStyle('h1', 'text-align', 'center'); $this->css->setStyle('h1', 'font', '16pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif'); $this->css->setStyle('p', 'font', '12pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif'); $this->css->setSameStyle('body', 'p'); $styles = ' p, body { font: 12pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif; } body { background-color: #0c0c0c; color: #ffffff; } h1 { text-align: center; font: 16pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif; } '; $styles = $this->normalizeOutput($styles); $this->expectOutputString($styles); $this->css->display(); } } // Call HTML_CSS_TestSuite_Output::main() if file is executed directly. if (PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD == "HTML_CSS_TestSuite_Output::main") { HTML_CSS_TestSuite_Output::main(); } ?>