array( 'passwd' => 'Tlu5Cq9nQ48Qc', 'system' => 'mike'), 'pete' => array( 'passwd' => '6j8u02M0HVycY'), 'mary' => array( 'passwd' => 'H7YIMXbnZ0Nyo', 'system' => 'marianne') ); /** * TestCase for File_Passwd_CvsTest class * Generated by PHPEdit.XUnit Plugin * */ class File_Passwd_CvsTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase{ var $pwd; /** * Constructor * @param string $name The name of the test. * @access protected */ function File_Passwd_CvsTest($name){ $this->PHPUnit_TestCase($name); } /** * Called before the test functions will be executed this function is defined in PHPUnit_TestCase and overwritten here * @access protected */ function setUp(){ $this->pwd = &new File_Passwd_Cvs(); } /** * Called after the test functions are executed this function is defined in PHPUnit_TestCase and overwritten here * @access protected */ function tearDown(){ $this->pwd = null; } /** * Regression test for File_Passwd_Cvs.File_Passwd_Cvs method * @access public */ function testFile_Passwd_Cvs(){ $this->assertTrue(is_a($this->pwd, 'File_Passwd_Cvs')); } /** * Regression test for File_Passwd_Cvs.save method * @access public */ function testsave(){ $this->pwd->_users = $GLOBALS['user']; $this->pwd->setFile($GLOBALS['tmpfile']); $this->assertTrue($this->pwd->save()); $this->assertEquals(file('passwd.cvs.txt'), file($GLOBALS['tmpfile'])); } /** * Regression test for File_Passwd_Cvs.parse method * @access public */ function testparse(){ $this->pwd->_users = array(); $this->pwd->setFile('passwd.cvs.txt'); $this->assertTrue($this->pwd->load()); $this->assertEquals($GLOBALS['user'], $this->pwd->_users); } /** * Regression test for File_Passwd_Cvs.addUser method * @access public */ function testaddUser(){ $this->assertTrue($this->pwd->addUser('add', 123)); $this->assertTrue($this->pwd->userExists('add')); } /** * Regression test for File_Passwd_Cvs.verifyPasswd method * @access public */ function testverifyPasswd(){ $this->pwd->addUser('verify', 12345); $this->assertTrue($this->pwd->verifyPasswd('verify', 12345)); $this->assertFalse($this->pwd->verifyPasswd('verify', 0)); $this->assertTrue(PEAR::isError($this->pwd->verifyPasswd('nobody', 0))); } /** * Regression test for File_Passwd_Cvs.changePasswd method * @access public */ function testchangePasswd(){ $this->pwd->addUser('change', 123); $this->assertTrue($this->pwd->changePasswd('change', 'abc')); $this->assertTrue($this->pwd->verifyPasswd('change', 'abc')); } /** * Regression test for File_Passwd_Cvs.changeSysUser method * @access public */ function testchangeSysUser(){ $this->pwd->addUser('chsys', 123, 'nobody'); $this->assertTrue($this->pwd->changeSysUser('chsys', 'mike')); $this->assertEquals('mike', $this->pwd->_users['chsys']['system']); } /** * Regression test for File_Passwd_Cvs.generatePassword method * @access public */ function testgeneratePassword(){ $this->assertEquals('12IbR.gJ8wcpc', $this->pwd->generatePassword(123, '12IbR.gJ8wcpc')); } function teststaticAuth(){ $this->assertTrue(true === File_Passwd::staticAuth('cvs', 'passwd.cvs.txt', 'mike', 123)); $this->assertTrue(false === File_Passwd::staticAuth('cvs', 'passwd.cvs.txt', 'mike', 'abc')); $this->assertFalse((File_Passwd::staticAuth('cvs', 'passwd.cvs.txt', 'nonexist', 'asd'))); } } ?>