"Matrix 2", "ISBN45df32342" => "Roger Rabbit", "ISBN305632232" => "foo bar", "ISBN674589123" => "Joe user's adventures" ); class myT extends HTML_Template_PHPLIB { var $file_fallbacks = array("/usr/local/bla","./"); } $t =& new myT("/usr/local", "keep"); $timer =& new Benchmark_Timer(); $timer->start(); $t->setFile(array( "main" => "tpl1.ihtml", "block" => "block.ihtml" )); $t->setBlock("block","articlerow","ar"); $t->setVar(array( "TITLE" => "This is a block integrated into another template", "BGCOLOR" => "#cccccc", "BLOCKER" => "block" )); foreach ($articles as $isbn => $name) { $t->setVar(array( "ID" => $isbn, "ANAME" => $name )); /** * easy to use rule of thumb: first parameter is the last * from setBlock, second is the second from setBlock, third * is TRUE in order to append the parsed data to the template var * articlerow */ $t->parse("ar", "articlerow", TRUE); } $t->parse("CONTENT", "block"); $t->pparse("out",array("main")); $timer->stop(); $timer->display(); ?>