| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * Wrapper for the var_dump function. * * " The var_dump function displays structured information about expressions * that includes its type and value. Arrays are explored recursively * with values indented to show structure. " * * The Var_Dump class captures the output of the var_dump function, * by using output control functions, and then uses external renderer * classes for displaying the result in various graphical ways : * simple text, HTML/XHTML text, HTML/XHTML table, XML, ... * * @category PHP * @package Var_Dump * @author Frederic Poeydomenge
* @copyright 1997-2006 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version CVS: $Id: Text.php 233111 2007-04-02 09:38:10Z fredericpoeydome $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Var_Dump */ /** * Include the base class for all renderers */ require_once 'Var_Dump/Renderer/Common.php'; /** * A concrete renderer for Var_Dump * * Returns a text-only representation of a variable * * @category PHP * @package Var_Dump * @author Frederic Poeydomenge
* @copyright 1997-2006 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version CVS: $Id: Text.php 233111 2007-04-02 09:38:10Z fredericpoeydome $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Var_Dump */ class Var_Dump_Renderer_Text extends Var_Dump_Renderer_Common { /** * Default configuration options. * * Valid configuration options are : * show_container : bool, Show the root Element or not * show_eol : string, String to insert before a newline, or false * mode : string, Can be one of the following displaying modes * 'compact' = no keys alignment * 'normal' = keys alignment, proportional spacing * 'wide' = keys alignment, wider spacing * offset : integer, Offset between the start of a group and the content * opening : string, Opening character * closing : string, Closing character * operator : string, Operator symbol * is_html : bool, Do we need to htmlspecialchars() the texts * before_text : string, Text to insert before the text * after_text : string, Text to insert after the text * before_num_key : string, Text to insert before a numerical key * after_num_key : string, Text to insert after a numerical key * before_str_key : string, Text to insert before a string key * after_str_key : string, Text to insert after a string key * before_operator : string, Text to insert before the operator * after_operator : string, Text to insert after the operator * before_type : string, Text to insert before a type * after_type : string, Text to insert after a type * before_value : string, Text to insert before a value * after_value : string, Text to insert after a value * * @var array * @access public */ var $defaultOptions = array( 'show_container' => TRUE, 'show_eol' => FALSE, 'mode' => 'compact', 'offset' => 2, 'opening' => '{', 'closing' => '}', 'operator' => ' => ', 'is_html' => FALSE, 'before_text' => '', 'after_text' => '', 'before_num_key' => '', 'after_num_key' => '', 'before_str_key' => '', 'after_str_key' => '', 'before_operator' => '', 'after_operator' => '', 'before_type' => '', 'after_type' => '', 'before_value' => '', 'after_value' => '' ); /** * Class constructor. * * @param array $options Parameters for the rendering. * @access public */ function Var_Dump_Renderer_Text($options = array()) { $this->setOptions($options); } /** * Returns the string representation of a variable. * * @return string The string representation of the variable. * @access public */ function toString() { $parent = array(); $stackOffset = array(0); $offset = 0; $txt = $this->options['before_text']; $counter = count($this->family); for ($c = 0 ; $c < $counter ; $c++) { switch ($this->family[$c]) { case VAR_DUMP_START_GROUP : if (! empty($parent)) { $offset = end($stackOffset) + $this->keyLen[end($parent)] + $this->_len($this->options['operator']); array_push($stackOffset, $offset); } array_push($parent, $c); if ($this->options['show_container'] or $this->depth[$c] > 0) { if ($this->options['is_html']) { $txt .= htmlspecialchars($this->value[$c]); } else { $txt .= $this->value[$c]; } $txt .= ' ' . $this->options['opening'] . "\n"; } break; case VAR_DUMP_FINISH_GROUP : if ($this->depth[$c] > 0) { $offset = $this->depth[$c] * $this->options['offset']; if ($this->options['mode'] == 'wide') { $offset += end($stackOffset); } if (!$this->options['show_container']) { $offset -= $this->options['offset']; } $txt .= str_repeat(' ', $offset); } if ($this->options['show_container'] or $this->depth[$c] > 0) { $txt .= $this->options['closing'] . "\n"; } array_pop($parent); array_pop($stackOffset); break; case VAR_DUMP_START_ELEMENT_NUM : case VAR_DUMP_START_ELEMENT_STR : if ($this->depth[$c] > 0) { $offset = $this->depth[$c] * $this->options['offset']; if ($this->options['mode'] == 'wide') { $offset += end($stackOffset); } if (! $this->options['show_container']) { $offset -= $this->options['offset']; } $txt .= str_repeat(' ', $offset); } if ($this->options['mode'] == 'compact') { $txt .= $this->_getStartElement($c); $offset += $this->_len($this->value[$c]); } else { $txt .= sprintf( '%-' . $this->keyLen[end($parent)] . 's', $this->_getStartElement($c) ); $offset += $this->keyLen[end($parent)]; } $txt .= $this->_getOperator(); if ($this->family[$c]==VAR_DUMP_START_ELEMENT_NUM) { $offset += $this->_len($this->options['before_num_key']) + $this->_len($this->options['after_num_key']); } if ($this->family[$c]==VAR_DUMP_START_ELEMENT_STR) { $offset += $this->_len($this->options['before_str_key']) + $this->_len($this->options['after_str_key']); } $offset += $this->_len($this->options['before_operator']) + $this->_len($this->options['operator']) + $this->_len($this->options['after_operator']) + $this->_len($this->options['before_type']) + $this->_len($this->options['after_type']); break; case VAR_DUMP_FINISH_ELEMENT : $txt .= $this->_getFinishElement($c) . "\n"; break; case VAR_DUMP_FINISH_STRING : // offset is the value set during the previous pass // in VAR_DUMP_START_ELEMENT_* $txt .= preg_replace( '/(?<=\n)^/m', $this->options['after_value'] . str_repeat(' ', $offset + $this->_len($this->type[$c]) + 1) . $this->options['before_value'], $this->_getFinishElement($c) ) . "\n"; break; } } $txt .= $this->options['after_text']; return rtrim($txt); } /** * Returns the lenght of the shift (string without tags). * * @param string $string The string. * @return integer Length of the shift. * @access private */ function _len($string) { if ($this->options['is_html']) { return strlen(strip_tags($string)); } else { return strlen($string); } } /** * Returns the operator symbol. * * @return string The operator symbol. * @access private */ function _getOperator() { $txt = $this->options['before_operator']; if ($this->options['is_html']) { $txt .= htmlspecialchars($this->options['operator']); } else { $txt .= $this->options['operator']; } $txt .= $this->options['after_operator']; return $txt; } /** * Returns the key of the element. * * @param integer $c Index of the element. * @return string The key of the element. * @access private */ function _getStartElement($c) { $comp = ($this->family[$c] == VAR_DUMP_START_ELEMENT_NUM) ? 'num' : 'str'; $txt = $this->options['before_' . $comp . '_key']; if ($this->options['is_html']) { $txt .= htmlspecialchars($this->value[$c]); } else { $txt .= $this->value[$c]; } $txt .= $this->options['after_' . $comp . '_key']; return $txt; } /** * Returns the value of the element. * * @param integer $c Index of the element. * @return string The value of the element. * @access private */ function _getFinishElement($c) { $txt = $this->options['before_type']; if ($this->options['is_html']) { $txt .= htmlspecialchars($this->type[$c]); } else { $txt .= $this->type[$c]; } $txt .= $this->options['after_type']; if (! is_null($this->value[$c])) { $txt .= ' ' . $this->options['before_value']; if ($this->options['is_html']) { $string = htmlspecialchars($this->value[$c]); } else { $string = $this->value[$c]; } if ($this->options['show_eol'] !== FALSE) { $string = str_replace( "\n", $this->options['show_eol'] . "\n", $string ); } $txt .= $string . $this->options['after_value']; } return $txt; } } ?>