| // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: SearchReplace.php,v 1.15 2007/03/25 18:51:59 techtonik Exp $ // // Search and Replace Utility // /** * Search and Replace Utility * * * @author Richard Heyes
* @version 1.0 * @package File */ class File_SearchReplace { // {{{ Properties (All private) var $find; var $replace; var $files; var $directories; var $include_subdir; var $ignore_lines; var $ignore_sep; var $occurences; var $search_function; var $php5; var $last_error; // }}} // {{{ Constructor /** * Sets up the object * * @access public * @param string $find The string/regex to find. * @param string $replace The string/regex to replace $find with. * @param array $files The file(s) to perform this operation on. * @param array $directories (optional) The directories to perform this operation on. * @param bool $include_subdir If performing on directories, whether to traverse subdirectories. * @param array $ignore_lines Ignore lines beginning with any of the strings in this array. This * feature only works with the "normal" search. */ function File_SearchReplace($find, $replace, $files, $directories = '', $include_subdir = TRUE, $ignore_lines = array()) { $this->find = $find; $this->replace = $replace; $this->files = $files; $this->directories = $directories; $this->include_subdir = $include_subdir; $this->ignore_lines = (array) $ignore_lines; $this->occurences = 0; $this->search_function = 'search'; $this->php5 = (substr(PHP_VERSION, 0, 1) == 5) ? TRUE : FALSE; $this->last_error = ''; } // }}} // {{{ getNumOccurences() /** * Accessor to return the number of occurences found. * * @access public * @return int Number of occurences found. */ function getNumOccurences() { return $this->occurences; } // }}} // {{{ getLastError() /** * Accessor for retrieving last error. * * @access public * @return string The last error that occurred, if any. */ function getLastError() { return $this->last_error; } // }}} // {{{ setFind() /** * Accessor for setting find variable. * * @access public * @param string $find The string/regex to find. */ function setFind($find) { $this->find = $find; } // }}} // {{{ setReplace() /** * Accessor for setting replace variable. * * @access public * @param string $replace The string/regex to replace the find string/regex with. */ function setReplace($replace) { $this->replace = $replace; } // }}} // {{{ setFiles() /** * Accessor for setting files variable. * * @access public * @param array $files The file(s) to perform this operation on. */ function setFiles($files) { $this->files = $files; } // }}} // {{{ setDirectories() /** * Accessor for setting directories variable. * * @access public * @param array $directories The directories to perform this operation on. */ function setDirectories($directories) { $this->directories = $directories; } // }}} // {{{ setIncludeSubdir /** * Accessor for setting include_subdir variable. * * @access public * @param bool $include_subdir Whether to traverse subdirectories or not. */ function setIncludeSubdir($include_subdir) { $this->include_subdir = $include_subdir; } // }}} // {{{ setIgnoreLines() /** * Accessor for setting ignore_lines variable. * * @access public * @param array $ignore_lines Ignore lines beginning with any of the strings in this array. This * feature only works with the "normal" search. */ function setIgnoreLines($ignore_lines) { $this->ignore_lines = $ignore_lines; } // }}} // {{{ setSearchFunction() /** * Function to determine which search function is used. * * @access public * @param string The search function that should be used. Can be any one of: * normal - Default search. Goes line by line. Ignore lines feature only works with this type. * quick - Uses str_replace for straight replacement throughout file. Quickest of the lot. * preg - Uses preg_replace(), so any regex valid with this function is valid here. * ereg - Uses ereg_replace(), so any regex valid with this function is valid here. */ function setSearchFunction($search_function) { switch($search_function) { case 'normal': $this->search_function = 'search'; return TRUE; break; case 'quick' : $this->search_function = 'quickSearch'; return TRUE; break; case 'preg' : $this->search_function = 'pregSearch'; return TRUE; break; case 'ereg' : $this->search_function = 'eregSearch'; return TRUE; break; default : $this->last_error = 'Invalid search function specified'; return FALSE; break; } } // }}} // {{{ search() /** * Default ("normal") search routine. * * @access private * @param string $filename The filename to search and replace upon. * @return array Will return an array containing the new file contents and the number of occurences. * Will return FALSE if there are no occurences. */ function search($filename) { $occurences = 0; $file_array = file($filename); if (empty($this->ignore_lines) && $this->php5) { // PHP5 acceleration $file_array = str_replace($this->find, $this->replace, $file_array, $occurences); } else { // str_replace() doesn't return number of occurences in PHP4 // so we need to count them manually and/or filter strings $ignore_lines_num = count($this->ignore_lines); // just for the sake of catching occurences $local_find = array_values((array) $this->find); $local_replace = (is_array($this->replace)) ? array_values($this->replace) : $this->replace; for ($i=0; $i < count($file_array); $i++) { if ($ignore_lines_num > 0) { for ($j=0; $j < $ignore_lines_num; $j++) { if (substr($file_array[$i],0,strlen($this->ignore_lines[$j])) == $this->ignore_lines[$j]) continue 2; } } if ($this->php5) { $file_array[$i] = str_replace($this->find, $this->replace, $file_array[$i], $counted); $occurences += $counted; } else { foreach ($local_find as $fk => $ff) { $occurences += substr_count($file_array[$i], $ff); if (!is_array($local_replace)) { $fr = $local_replace; } else { $fr = (isset($local_replace[$fk])) ? $local_replace[$fk] : ""; } $file_array[$i] = str_replace($ff, $fr, $file_array[$i]); } } } } if ($occurences > 0) $return = array($occurences, implode('', $file_array)); else $return = FALSE; return $return; } // }}} // {{{ quickSearch() /** * Quick search routine. * * @access private * @param string $filename The filename to search and replace upon. * @return array Will return an array containing the new file contents and the number of occurences. * Will return FALSE if there are no occurences. */ function quickSearch($filename) { clearstatcache(); $file = fread($fp = fopen($filename, 'r'), max(1, filesize($filename))); fclose($fp); $local_find = array_values((array) $this->find); $local_replace = (is_array($this->replace)) ? array_values($this->replace) : $this->replace; $occurences = 0; // logic is the same as in str_replace function with one exception: // if
is a string and
is an array - substitution // is done from the first element of array. str_replace in this case // usualy fails with notice and returns "ArrayArrayArray..." string // (this exclusive logic of SearchReplace will not work for php5, though, // because I haven't decided yet whether it is bug or feature) if ($this->php5) { $file = str_replace($this->find, $this->replace, $file, $counted); $occurences += $counted; } else { foreach ($local_find as $fk => $ff) { $occurences += substr_count($file, $ff); if (!is_array($local_replace)) { $fr = $local_replace; } else { $fr = (isset($local_replace[$fk])) ? $local_replace[$fk] : ""; } $file = str_replace($ff, $fr, $file); } } if ($occurences > 0) $return = array($occurences, $file); else $return = FALSE; return $return; } // }}} // {{{ pregSearch() /** * Preg search routine. * * @access private * @param string $filename The filename to search and replace upon. * @return array Will return an array containing the new file contents and the number of occurences. * Will return FALSE if there are no occurences. */ function pregSearch($filename) { clearstatcache(); $file = fread($fp = fopen($filename, 'r'), max(1, filesize($filename))); fclose($fp); $local_find = array_values((array) $this->find); $local_replace = (is_array($this->replace)) ? array_values($this->replace) : $this->replace; $occurences = 0; foreach($local_find as $fk => $ff) { $occurences += preg_match_all($ff, $file, $matches); if (!is_array($local_replace)) { $fr = $local_replace; } else { $fr = (isset($local_replace[$fk])) ? $local_replace[$fk] : ""; } $file = preg_replace($ff, $fr, $file); } if ($occurences > 0) $return = array($occurences, $file); else $return = FALSE; return $return; } // }}} // {{{ eregSearch() /** * Ereg search routine. * * @access private * @param string $filename The filename to search and replace upon. * @return array Will return an array containing the new file contents and the number of occurences. * Will return FALSE if there are no occurences. */ function eregSearch($filename) { clearstatcache(); $file = fread($fp = fopen($filename, 'r'), max(1, filesize($filename))); fclose($fp); $local_find = array_values((array) $this->find); $local_replace = (is_array($this->replace)) ? array_values($this->replace) : $this->replace; $occurences = 0; foreach($local_find as $fk => $ff) { $occurences += count(split($ff, $file)) - 1; if (!is_array($local_replace)) { $fr = $local_replace; } else { $fr = (isset($local_replace[$fk])) ? $local_replace[$fk] : ""; } $file = ereg_replace($ff, $fr, $file); } if ($occurences > 0) $return = array($occurences, $file); else $return = FALSE; return $return; } // }}} // {{{ writeout() /** * Function to writeout the file contents. * * @access private * @param string $filename The filename of the file to write. * @param string $contents The contents to write to the file. */ function writeout($filename, $contents) { if ($fp = @fopen($filename, 'w')) { flock($fp,2); fwrite($fp, $contents); flock($fp,3); fclose($fp); } else { $this->last_error = 'Could not open file: '.$filename; } } // }}} // {{{ doFiles() /** * Function called by doSearch() to go through any files that need searching. * * @access private * @param string $ser_func The search function to use. */ function doFiles($ser_func) { if (!is_array($this->files)) $this->files = explode(',', $this->files); for ($i=0; $i
files); $i++) { if ($this->files[$i] == '.' OR $this->files[$i] == '..') continue; if (is_dir($this->files[$i]) == TRUE) continue; $newfile = $this->$ser_func($this->files[$i]); if (is_array($newfile) == TRUE){ $this->writeout($this->files[$i], $newfile[1]); $this->occurences += $newfile[0]; } } } // }}} // {{{ doDirectories() /** * Function called by doSearch() to go through any directories that need searching. * * @access private * @param string $ser_func The search function to use. */ function doDirectories($ser_func) { if (!is_array($this->directories)) $this->directories = explode(',', $this->directories); for ($i=0; $i
directories); $i++) { $dh = opendir($this->directories[$i]); while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if ($file == '.' OR $file == '..') continue; if (is_dir($this->directories[$i].$file) == TRUE) { if ($this->include_subdir == TRUE) { $this->directories[] = $this->directories[$i].$file.'/'; continue; } else { continue; } } $newfile = $this->$ser_func($this->directories[$i].$file); if (is_array($newfile) == TRUE) { $this->writeout($this->directories[$i].$file, $newfile[1]); $this->occurences += $newfile[0]; } } } } // }}} // {{{ doSearch() /** * This starts the search/replace off. The behavior of this function will likely * to be changed in future versions to work in read only mode. If you want to do * actual replace with writing files - use doReplace method instead. * * @access public */ function doSearch() { $this->doReplace(); } // }}} // {{{ doReplace() /** * This starts the search/replace off. Call this to do the replace. * First do whatever files are specified, and/or if directories are specified, * do those too. * * @access public */ function doReplace() { $this->occurences = 0; if ($this->find != '') { if ((is_array($this->files) AND count($this->files) > 0) OR $this->files != '') $this->doFiles($this->search_function); if ($this->directories != '') $this->doDirectories($this->search_function); } } // }}} } ?>