* @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL * @version CVS: $Id: Mail.php,v 1.12 2005/08/29 15:14:09 vincentlascaux Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/File_Archive */ require_once "File/Archive/Writer.php"; require_once "Mail.php"; require_once "Mail/mime.php"; /** * Send the files attached to a mail. */ class File_Archive_Writer_Mail extends File_Archive_Writer { /** * @var Mail_mime object * @access private */ var $mime; /** * @var Mail object used to send email (built thanks to the factory) * @access private */ var $mail; /** * @var Array or String An array or a string with comma separated recipients * @access private */ var $to; /** * @var Array The headers that will be passed to the Mail_mime object * @access private */ var $headers; /** * @var String Data read from the current file so far * @access private */ var $currentData = null; /** * @var String Name of the file being attached * @access private */ var $currentFilename = null; /** * @var String MIME of the file being attached * @access private */ var $currentMime = null; /** * @param Mail $mail Object used to send mail (see Mail::factory) * @param array or string $to An array or a string with comma separated * recipients * @param array $headers The headers that will be passed to the Mail_mime * object * @param string $message Text body of the mail */ function File_Archive_Writer_Mail($to, $headers, $message, &$mail) { $this->mime = new Mail_mime(); $this->mime->setTXTBody($message); if (!empty($htmlMessage)) { $this->mime->setHTMLBody($htmlMessage); } if ($mail === null) $this->mail = Mail::factory("mail"); else $this->mail =& $mail; $this->to = $to; $this->headers = $headers; } /** * @see Mail_Mime::setHTMLBody() */ function setHTMLBody($data, $isfile = false) { return $this->mime->setHTMLBody($data, $isfile); } /** * @see Mail_Mime::addHTMLImage() */ function addHTMLImage($file, $c_type = 'application/octet-stream', $name = '', $isfile = true) { return $this->mime->addHTMLImage($file, $c_type, $name, $isfile); } /** * @see File_Archive_Writer::writeData() * * This function just put the data in $currentData until the end of file * At that time, addCurrentData is called to attach $currentData to the mail * and to clear $currentData for a new file */ function writeData($data) { $this->currentData .= $data; } /** * Called when a file is finished and must be added as attachment to the mail */ function addCurrentData() { if ($this->currentFilename === null) { return; } $error = $this->mime->addAttachment( $this->currentData, $this->currentMime, $this->currentFilename, false); $this->currentData = ''; return $error; } /** * @see File_Archive_Writer::newFile() */ function newFile($filename, $stat, $mime = "application/octet-stream") { $error = $this->addCurrentData(); if (PEAR::isError($error)) { return $error; } if (substr($filename, -1) == '/') { $this->currentFilename = null; } else { $this->currentFilename = $filename; $this->currentMime = $mime; } } /** * @see File_Archive_Writer::newFileNeedsMIME() */ function newFileNeedsMIME() { return true; } /** * @see File_Archive_Writer::close() */ function close() { $error = parent::close(); if (PEAR::isError($error)) { return $error; } $error = $this->addCurrentData(); if (PEAR::isError($error)) { return $error; } $body = $this->mime->get(); $headers = $this->mime->headers($this->headers); if (!$this->mail->send( $this->to, $headers, $body) ) { return PEAR::raiseError("Error sending mail"); } } } ?>