An updated version of this Wizard script is available here.
On your shared server the Loader can be installed using the runtime loading method.'; echo " (Please click here if you are not on a shared server.)
Note that you may need to install back compatibility libraries for ${loader['osname']}.
Please click here for instructions on using the php.ini method instead.
On your shared server, the Loader should be installed using a $php_ini_name configuration file."; echo " (Please click here if you are not on a shared server.)
With your hosting account, you may be able to use your own PHP configuration file.
It appears that you cannot install the ionCube Loader using the $php_ini_name file. Your server provider or system administrator should be able to perform the installation for you. Please refer them to the following instructions.
'; if ($server_type_desc) { echo "For a $server_type_desc server "; } else { echo "For this server "; } if ($required) { echo "you should install the ionCube Loader using the $php_ini_name configuration file."; } else { echo "installing the ionCube Loader using the $php_ini_name file is recommended."; } if ($server_type_desc) { echo " (Please click here if you are not on a $server_type_desc server.)"; } echo '
A downloadable archive of system information could not be created. Please save each of the following and then attach those files to the support ticket:
The ionCube Loader $lv for PHP $phpv has been successfully installed.
Your browser does not support JavaScript so the ionCube Loader Wizard initialisation cannot be made now. This script can get the latest loader version information from the ionCube server when you go to the next page.Please choose one of the following. If the script appears to hang please restart the script and choose the "NO" option.YES - my server DOES have internet accessNO - my server does NOT have internet access
For security reasons we advise that you remove this Wizard script from your server now that the ionCube Loader is installed.
Please contact the script provider if you do experience any problems running encoded files.
Please note that if encoded files in a different $dirphrase from the Wizard fail then you should attempt to copy the $ini file to each $dirphrase in which you have encoded files.
Bonus Features! The ionCube Loader can also give '; echo 'real-time intrusion protection to protect against malware and PHP error reporting '; echo 'to alert when things go wrong on your website.
These features are disabled by default but easily activated. '; echo 'visit to find out more.
At present it does not look like the ionCube Loader is installed for command-line (CLI) PHP.
Please note that if you need to run the CLI PHP, such as for cron jobs, then please ensure the zend_extension line for the ionCube Loader is included in your CLI PHP configuration.
The zend_extension line that needs to be copied is:
zend_extension = " . $ini_loader_loc['location'] . "
Your CLI PHP Configuration is:
"; echo $cli_php_ini_output; echo "
The runtime loading method of installation was used with path $rtl_path
The installed version of the Loader cannot run files produced by the most recent ionCube Encoder."; echo " You will need a version " . LATEST_LOADER_MAJOR_VERSION . " ionCube Loader to run such files.
The ionCube Loader version ' . $lv . $php_str . ' is already installed but it is an old version.'; echo ' It is recommended that the Loader be upgraded to the latest version if possible.
The ionCube Loader version ' . $lv . $php_str . ' is already installed and encoded files should run without problems.
Please note that you $verb_case need your system administrator to do the following to upgrade. The web server will need to be restarted after the loader file is changed.
To upgrade from version $installed_version to $version_str of the ionCube Loader, please replace your existing loader file, $loader_name, with the file of the same name from one of the following packages:
Once you have replaced the loader file please restart your web server.
You are on a platform on which ionCube Loaders are no longer being developed. '; $leg_warn .= 'Loaders on your platform may not be able to run files produced by the latest ionCube Encoder. '; $leg_warn .= 'Please switch, if possible, to a platform on which loaders are currently supported. '; $leg_warn .= 'A list of currently supported platforms is shown on our loaders page.
To use files that have been protected by the ionCube PHP Encoder, a component called the ionCube Loader must be installed.
Your server is running PHP version ' . PHP_VERSION . ' and is unsupported by ionCube Loaders. Recommended PHP 4 versions are PHP 4.2 or higher, and PHP 5.1 or higher for PHP 5.
Your server is currently running a debug build of PHP. The Loader cannot be installed with a debug build of PHP. Please ensure that PHP is reconfigured with debug disabled. Note that debug builds of PHP cannot help in debugging PHP scripts.
Loaders for 64-bit PHP on Windows are not currently available. However, if you install and run 32-bit PHP the corresponding 32-bit loader for Windows should work.
There may not be an ionCube Loader available for your type of system at the moment. However, if you create a support ticket more advice and information may be available to assist. Please include the URL for this Wizard in your ticket.
At the current time the ionCube Loader requires PHP to be built with ' . $supported_compiler_string . '. Your PHP software has been built using ' . $sysinfo['PHP_COMPILER'] . '. Supported builds of PHP are available from'; } else { switch ($host_type) { case SERVER_SHARED: shared_server(); break; case SERVER_DEDICATED: dedicated_server(); break; case SERVER_LOCAL: local_install(); break; default: echo server_selection_form(); break; } } } function server_selection_form() { $self = get_self(); $timeout = (isset($_SESSION['timing_out']) && $_SESSION['timing_out'])?1:0; $hostprovider = (!empty($_SESSION['hostprovider']))?$_SESSION['hostprovider']:''; $hostprovider = htmlspecialchars($hostprovider, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $hosturl = (!empty($_SESSION['hosturl']))?$_SESSION['hosturl']:''; $hosturl = htmlspecialchars($hosturl, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $form = <<This Wizard will give you information on how to install the ionCube Loader.
Please select the type of web server that you have and then click Next.
The ionCube Loader version ' . $lv . $php_str . ' is installed and encoded files should run successfully.'; if ($newer_version) { echo ' Please note though that you have an old version of the ionCube Loader.
The ionCube Loader is not currently installed successfully.
Runtime loading was attempted but has failed.
" . $shared_ini_loc . "
" . $rootpath . "
" . $cgibinpath . "
Please contact your server administrator about installing the ionCube Loader.
It appears that SELinux is enabled on your server. This might be solved by running the command restorecon [full path to loader file] as root.
restorecon [full path to loader file]
It appears that grsecurity is enabled on your server. Please run the command, execstack -c [full path to loader file] and then restart your web server.
execstack -c [full path to loader file]
Please check that PHP-FPM has been restarted.
Please check that the $ss web server software has been restarted.
zend_extension = $html_dir/ioncube/$loader_name
It appears that you are hosted with GoDaddy ( '; $inst_str .= "If that is not the case then please click here to go to the main page of this installation wizard.
If you have already installed the loader then please click here to test the loader.
Please help us improve this script by reporting this error and including the URL to the script so that we can test it."); } function filter_server_input($server_var) { $res = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER[$server_var], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); return $res; } function failsafe_get_self() { $result = ''; $sfn = filter_server_input('SCRIPT_FILENAME'); $dr = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; if (!empty($sfn) && !empty($dr)) { if ($dr == '/' || $dr == '\\') { $result = $sfn; } else { $drpos = strpos($sfn,$dr); if ($drpos === 0) { $drlen = strlen($dr); $result = substr($sfn,$drlen); } } $result = str_replace('\\','/',$result); } if (empty($result)) { $result = DEFAULT_SELF; } return $result; } function get_self() { $page = ''; if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { if (empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { if (empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $page = failsafe_get_self(); } else { $page = filter_server_input('REQUEST_URI'); } } else { $page = filter_server_input('SCRIPT_NAME'); } } else { $page = filter_server_input('PHP_SELF'); } return $page; } function get_default_page() { $godaddy_root = GoDaddy_root(); if (empty($godaddy_root)) { $page = 'default'; } else { $page = 'GoDaddy'; } return $page; } function get_base_address() { $self = get_self(); $remote_timeout = (isset($_SESSION['timing_out']) && $_SESSION['timing_out'])?'timeout=1':'timeout=0'; $using_ini = (isset($_SESSION['use_ini_method']) && $_SESSION['use_ini_method'])?'ini=1':'ini=0'; return $self . '?' . $remote_timeout . '&' . $using_ini; } function get_default_address($include_timeout = true) { if ($include_timeout) { $base = get_base_address(); $base .= "&"; } else { $base = get_self(); $base .= "?"; } $page = get_default_page(); return $base . 'page=' . $page; } function heading() { $self = get_self(); echo << ionCube Loader Wizard Checking server configurationPlease wait IMPORTANT: Ensure that This Script Is Removed When No Longer Required ionCube Loader Wizard EOT; } function footer($update_info = null) { $self = get_self(); $base = get_base_address(); $default = get_default_address(false); $year = gmdate("Y"); echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; } function css_page() { header('Content-Type: text/css'); echo <<